images by “jennyboozz” :: various original posts
remixed image by “xjaymanx”
that night | remix without text
that night | remix with “pilljar” text
that night
of all the warm summer days
and cool autumn nights
i remember that calm july evening
i remember it the most
the anniversary of our chance encounter
in the sci-fi section of the bookstore
dressed in my shirt and tie
for a cheesy business card photo
she approached from the fantasy section
a question in her intense eyes
my shocked breathing cut as short
as her cute delicate hair
“do you work here?” she asked
“i wish i did” i shakily laughed
insecure with my first impression
but helped her find her novel
this anniversary was our third
a deserted july evening
walking down our favorite hill
along the narrow moonlit river
the scent of vanilla in her hair
the smell of combustion in the air
the fireworks crackling as desperately
as the fears in my mind
she handed me the book without a word
the one i bought her those years ago
“the time traveler’s wife” it said
by someone named audrey
i stayed on the hill as she left me behind
left me unseeing unhearing unfeeling and falling
my soul shred into as many pieces
as the wet pages at my feet
i can’t forget her giggles
her figments and fashions and fragments
i can’t forget her photos
her shadows and shapes and smiles
i can’t forget that dark july evening
a thousand miles from myself
“do you work here?” she asked
i wish i could’ve said “no”