

From J200X3 to J200X4 > Version 1

Updated on 18 Mar 2012: My fourth J200X. Scheduled to start May 2012.


From J200XC to J200X3 > Version 3

Updated on 18 Mar 2012: Version 3 of my third J200X. Started October 2011, and scheduled to be completed April 2012. Last month, in late February, around Day 146-147 of 200, I decided to replace my pattern of alternating P90X and P90X2 weeks with a new more-integrated pattern. Somehow I couldn’t get accustomized to the new strength-cardio-yoga structure in P90X2. So with this third version, I integrated the P90X and P90X2 workouts so that the weekly structure is consistent with my personal schedule: the strength+ab days are on Monday, Wednesday, Friday; the cardio+roller days are on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday; and the run+yoga days are on Sunday. Ahh, much better! The last several weeks have been awesome! In fact, I like this more-integrated structure so much that I’m keeping it for my fourth J200X: J200X4 starts in May 2012!


From J200XC to J200X3 > Version 2

Updated on 28 Dec 2011: Version 2 of my third J200X. Started October 2011, and scheduled to be completed April 2012. Although I’m almost halfway through my “J200X3” 200-Day Hybrid Program, I decided to revise Version 1 by adding some of Tony’s new “P90X2”. Yup, after watching most of the “P90X2” sessions, I was admittedly impressed! In fact, I was impressed enough to finally replace Chalene’s “ChaLEAN Extreme” with “P90X2”, hehe. Sorry Chalene! So according to the new Version 2 calendar, the “P90X2” sessions don’t replace “ChaLEAN Extreme” until Day 78. But since I’m already at Day 87 (28 Dec 2011), I’ll catch the next “P90X2” session on Day 92 (02 Jan 2012), hehe. Can’t wait to try out the foam rumble roller and medicine balls! Happy New Year!


From J200XC to J200X3 > Version 1

Updated on 06 Nov 2011: My third J200X Version 1. Started October 2011, and scheduled to be completed May 2012. My “J200X3” 200-Day Hybrid Program brings back Tony’s “P90X” on an equal footing with Chalene’s “ChaLEAN Extreme”. Furthermore, I realized that the deliberately slow-paced weight-training in “ChaLEAN Extreme” was actually less effective than the faster-paced weight-training in “P90X”. By doubling or tripling my pace and reps in “ChaLEAN Extreme”, I was able to achieve the same gratifying muscle “soreness” that I rediscovered in “P90X”. Yup, I know, I changed my mind. After 3 rounds, “P90X” rocks after all!


From J200X to J200XC

My second J200X. Started February 2011 and completed September 2011.

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From P90X to J200X

My original J200X. Started July 2010 and completed February 2011.

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Based on these Extreme Home Fitness Programs

First, the most-extreme strength-training “muscle confusion” program — “P90X” — entered my world. Here’s the original website followed by the redesigned website.

Next, the most-extreme strength-training “muscle confusion” program — “P90X” — met the most-advanced cardio-conditioning “high-intensity interval training” program — “TurboFire” — in my own hybrid program, named “J200X”.

Next, the most-advanced cardio-conditioning “high-intensity interval training” program — “TurboFire” — met the most-extreme strength-training “lean muscle phasing” program — “ChaLEAN Extreme” — in my second hybrid program, named “J200XC”.

Finally, the most-extreme strength-training “muscle confusion” program — “P90X” — plus the most-advanced cardio-conditioning “high-intensity interval training” program — “TurboFire” — met the most-extreme scientifically-designed “muscle confusion” sequel — “P90X2” — in my third hybrid program, named “J200X3”, haha.