Blog 119 > Sepia Death Girls!

Finally! Full photoshoot is finally ready! As I teased in my previous Blog 118 > The Joy of Sepia, this month we welcome my latest “Death Girls” — 1/6-scale “Morte from Noir et Blanc” (Toranoana, June-July 2007) obtained in August 2007, and 1/6-scale “Misa from Death Note” (Jun Planning, June 2007) obtained in September 2007.

For this Canon photoshoot, I ended up with 65 shots, taken with the backdrop of a Japanese cemetery. And for the first time, I experimented with sepia! May not sound like much, but as my brother observed, anime and sepia aren’t usually associated with each other, right? In any case, I really like the Gothic atmosphere created with a simple change in color and contrast. I hope you do too. Enjoy the rest!

Warning > I recommend Firefox or Safari since IE 6/7 tends to break under the photo pressure, argh.

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Click for Full Photoshoot (65) >>

Blog 118 > The Joy of Sepia!

Sepia! When I saw my friend Lena‘s “Mad Elephants” sepia photos in her LiveJournal, I had to do it too, lol. So I tried it with my “Death Girls” photoshoot taken earlier this month — my 1/6-scale “Morte from Noir et Blanc” (Toranoana, June-July 2007) obtained in August 2007, and 1/6-scale “Misa from Death Note” (Jun Planning, June 2007) obtained in September 2007. Hmmmm, I think their gothic outfits match the sepia style quite nicely! Their full photoshoot coming soon!

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Blog 117 > Stunning Running Progress!

Holy crap! If you remember my post Blog 111 > Toying with the Treadmill?, you’ll know I’ve been accelerating my average treadmill speed since the start of August 2007. From a walking 3.5 mph in August, to a quicker 4.0 mph (3 miles for 45 minutes) at the end of September. Well, last night on November 1st, while watching “Battlestar Galactica – Mini-Series” (yet again), I ran 3 miles in a mere 40 minutes! That’s an average 4.5 mph! But I didn’t stop there, I added another 0.5 miles in 6 minutes! That’s an average 5.0 mph for the extra bit!!! Plus overall, that’s 3.5 miles in 46 minutes! Crap, I remember when I used to be out of breath in less than 1-2 minutes at 5.0 mph, let alone 6 minutes without even thinking!

Not only that, my weight this morning was a stunning 155 lbs! That’s a loss of about 15 lbs since I started my new nightly running routine just 3 months ago! Double crap, this is my best weight since my skinny days as a college undergrad! I doubt I can hit my freshman weight of 135 lbs, but then again, I never imagined I could hit the 150s. Damn. And while this is cardio and not strength training, maybe I don’t need that Bowflex so soon after all. I’d rather aim for a shiny new 24-inch Leopard-installed iMac, hahaha.

P.S. So how did this all start? Why August 2007? Well, I think it was as simple as this… On July 27th, two days before my great friend Anna’s 21st birthday, we had a comment-chat on her LiveJournal. Here’s a snippet.

  • Me: Hehe, I’m not sure of the translation, but I think you’re talking about age? I still feel like 25 or 27! ; )))
  • Anna: But you look like 28 ))
  • Me: Awww, that’s sweet! I feel like it : )))… And u still look 19, hehe : D… P.S. So then you know people who are 27, 28, or 29?
  • Anna: Thanx, Jay!… Of course, I have friends who are 25, 32, 34… Oh and 28. of course! ))
  • Me: You’re welcome! : )))… Wow, so with all of your friends, I appreciate your compliment even MORE!
  • Anna: Sure, you look younger and I don’t feel that you’re much older… Age it’s just year of your birth.=)