Yup, another dose of chaotic anime, scorching figures, and random personal events shot-from-the-hip, lol. Since my roommate might be moving out next month, mid-December, due to her financial crunch, here’s our first pic-of-the-post in honor of Lisa. More details below. Maybe. Enjoy the ride!
Anime Titles. Yup, a bunch of good ones. Six more anime titles-seasons completed during the last 3 weeks, for a total of 47 so far this year. Thankfully, I’m gonna try and keep these speed-reviews short and speedy, lol.
Zero no Tsukaima – S1 [42]. My 42nd anime title-or-season of the year. Awww, addictive little Harry-Potter-esque magical-school romantic-comedy series, 4 of 5 stars max for short season, lol.
Zero no Tsukaima – S2 [43]. My 43rd. Wow, a more tear-inducing emotional ride, 5 of 5 stars! Yup, while I can only give 4 stars max to a short season, combining this short season with the first one qualifies it for a full season 5 stars!
Rosario + Vampire [44]. My 44th. Wow, powerful Vampire transformations and mesmerizing Monster battles amidst such a short-but-cute romantic comedy, max 4 of 5 stars!
Persona – Trinity Soul [45]. My 45th. Hey, not bad, a refreshing portrayal of psychological mecha, a mysterious and melancholy odyssey yielding 4 of 5 stars.
Kyouran Kazoku Nikki [46]. My 46th. Whoa, super-wild and ultra-wacky sci-fi-fantasy roller-coaster ride reminiscent of “Hayate no Gotoku”, 4 of 5 stars! Prepare to lose all sense of logic, lol.
Strike Witches [47]. My 47th. Aww, mixing scantily-clad gals and world-war military magic, a brief but satisfying and inspiring ride, 4 of 5 stars max.
Anime Figures. Next up, anime figurines. But not just any random ones, these will probably be my final purchases… ever. Following my [85] Edelweiss – Fumie two months ago, most of my final figures are pictured in the next couple photos: [86] Little Busters – Komari (below), [87] Pia Carrot – Sana (below), [88] Figma – Fate Stay – Rin (below), [89] Queen’s Gate – Alice (below), [90] Figma – Vocaloid – Miku (below), and [91] Shining Tears x Wind – Elwyn (below). While my last order has not shipped yet, it is: [92] Evangelion – Gothloli Rei. After Rei, that’s it! Time to focus on computers and electronics, lol.
The Catcher in the Rye & Guiness. Haha, after 3 months of bathroom reading, I finally finished one of the classic books I never had a chance to read in high school, The Catcher in the Rye. Actually, ever since I watched the sci-fi-cyberpunk anime Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex almost 10 years ago, a series which incorporates this book in the overall “Laughing Man” arc, the idea of reading it has always been in the back of my mind. And now I’ve finally done it! Definitely enhances the concepts of feeling alone and disappearing from the world. Fortunately, Guiness negated my solitude to see me finish the book below, lol.
Lisa & Her Financial Crunch. Back to my roommate. Coming this mid-December, her student loan payments will begin. And since her monthly payments are slightly more than her monthly rent to me, she’s planning on moving back with her parents. They live in the next-door community, 5 minutes away. Yeah, not the ideal situation to live with one’s parents again. But money is a high priority. Especially in this lackluster economic year. Thus, slowly but steadily, she’s getting things together, slightly packing, maybe a joint garage sale along the way, before she leaves. Guiness is still a question mark. Does he stay with me for free? Or does he stay at her parents house? Unfortunately, her parents work longer hours at their business, so that’s a concern too. On top of that, will I find a new roommate? Not an emergency, and utility usage will be reduced, but my budget could still be uncomfortably tight. That’s another reason for my halt on all anime-figure purchases. So who knows? Well, that’s her story. But doesn’t prevent her from going to another Alkaline Trio concert (Nov 4th) below, haha.
Mimi’s Rage. By the way, in case you missed the obscure otaku news, Angry Mimi has finally inspired her first fan club Mimi’s Rage, haha. Pretty funny. Glad I could lend an amusing hand to unveiling their cause, whether it’s short-lived or not. Here’s a poster from their blog, lol.
Final News. Ah, four-day weekends, haha. Yup, I gained enough vacation days to take-off all of the Fridays and Mondays for the rest of this year, lol. Which leaves three-day work weeks, even two-day weeks during the Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year holidays. Not bad, eh? So for the next couple months, it’ll almost feel like one long vacation, hehe. Well, unless I have to clean up an emergency on a Friday or Monday for a few hours. But still not bad, eh?… Umm, so what the freakin’ heck is a Nyoki Nyoki? ^A^;
KKN was great but it had a rather shitty ending compared to the rest of the anime. The thing is it misbalanced its own elements that made it unique so not good enough.
You has Elwing too!
Panther´s last blog post > Another New Writer has Appeared!
@Panther: Ah, now that u mention it, the Water and Oasis stuff did seem like a side distraction which didn’t deserve a climactic focus. But all in all, I didn’t care. The whole thing was a huge noisy amusement ride anyway, haha. A few near-teardrops, a super-size bag of WTFs, but a lot of heart. So I had my fun. ^_^;
LOL, yup, Elwing, um Elwyn, um Elwhatever…
well first of all, if you ask me….too much anime /manga.
seconde of all….wtf u never told me u have a DELL lappy (yes i have one too)
and last but not least, I LOVE the pics of you and guiness.
*steals them and posts them on FB, makes a BG and uses it as desktop wallpaper*
my hubby is most seksi
miyabiko´s last blog post > Blog 22: SAIKO~~~~
@Miko: Haha, there’s *never* too much anime-manga, lol. But yeah, a DELL laptop. Unfortunately, it’s been crashing a bit more than usual lately. Maybe cuz it’s almost 3 years old. Probably time to go a new one. But not much money to burn. T_T;
Aww, thanx, I like the pics too. But don’t over-use them either, lol. ^_^;;;
xJAYMANx´s last blog post > Blog 174 > Wild Anime & Final Figures
bah ur crazy, spend more time with ur wifey instead on watching anime all day.
well my DELL never crashed….u gotta be gentle with it u evil. the lappy needs love too.
and oh well ill use ur pics =P
im ur wifey so i can hahahahahha
Miyabiko´s last blog post > Blog 23: OMG !!!! It’s like x-mas
@Miko: Yeah-yeah, okay-okay, lol. What? Less anime and less figures? Hmm, then I guess I shouldn’t show u this cool 30-cm figurine of your boyfriend Shun Oguri from Crows Zero, hahaha. ^A^
xJAYMANx´s last blog post > Blog 174 > Wild Anime & Final Figures
Final figures?? Seriously? They’re not gonna be the last ones you get EVER are they???? You can’t not buy more!!! (Yay for the Sana, the Figma Miku, Elwyn and Alice! Luckyness!)
As for Fumie, I don’t recall the plastic up her skirt being awkward… not compared to some top-contenders in that catagory, like Lucy Misora’s, Tamaki’s and Baek Changpo’s…. lol If Fumies did cause a fuss, I think I’d remember, cos I love her so!!! Were suprised about the upskirt situation? I had no clue whatsoever untill I looked….
I’ll be taking Lulu & Miku, kthnxbai~ Speaking of Lulu, I got lelouch for code word of the day x3
What’s Mimi’s rage about, I had a look at the blog you set up, but I don’t get it? [btw, my eyes hurt now >_<;]
Koshiko´s last blog post > Madman specials and our order
@M132: LOL, yeah, sadly, I’m being serious. Just couldn’t sustain it after 90+ figures, in both cash and passion. Especially when my Amazon wish list includes a Panasonic 50-inch HDTV, a SONY Cybershot, another Philips DivX player, an external USB drive, etc… So I had to make a tough choice~ Frozen characters of anime memories which only collect dust OR hi-rez electronics which spark with life? Yup, electronics, lol… Hmm, maybe someday after my electronics phase fades too, I’ll revisit the figures. >_<
As for Fumie, I had to open up her box to remember (pun wasn’t intended, lol). But no, I guess I wasn’t really surprised with her vulnerable “upskirt situation”. Since “Edelweiss” is an eroge, after all. In fact, wanna peek? Check out the four buttons at the bottom of the official homepage. Some revealing imagery, hehe. ^_^;
xJAYMANx´s last blog post > Blog 174 > Wild Anime & Final Figures
@K: Heyyy, no stealing, lol. After all, Lulu is my only stand-alone anime male figure! (My Hagi figure comes molded with Saya of “Blood+”, while my Arima figure comes molded with Yukino of “Kare Kano”.) Plus my Darth Vader, Stormtrooper and Darth Maul don’t really count, haha. But if I had to choose my next male anime character, Yagami Light would probably be it. As a Figma, lol.
Ah, I don’t get it either. Sorta. Looks like they created “Mimi’s Rage” as a Star-Wars-ian fan club for Angry Mimi. That’s about it. (Eye problems are probably unintentional, lol.) Although DC could be considered the first Mimi fan club instead, eh? >_<
xJAYMANx´s last blog post > Blog 174 > Wild Anime & Final Figures
@Jay: OMFG !!!! are you serious? !
I WANT !!!!!! (>O <)””””
hubby´s so evil buhuuu *runs away crying*
miyabiko´s last blog post > Blog 23: OMG !!!! It’s like x-mas
That sucks…. But I spose sacrifices have gotta be made sometime. Most of my figures come from eroge, but this is the first that is so very ‘vulnurable’. Sana is second. But the rest are pantsu-d up just fine lol.
And OMG When I talked to someone who thought they’d played Edleweiss they said they couldn’t remember her in it!!!! But thar she is!!! Thank joooo!
Meimi132´s last blog post > Figma Kagami Hiiragi = GET!
@Miko: Awww, lol… But yup, that figure exists. For $170 USD = 136 Euro = 16082 Yen. But sooo expensive, lol. Unless u pay me back with umm… *something*, lol.
@M132: True, hehe, but a *good* problem to have… So that guy who *supposedly* played the eroge, I remember that too~ Was it Bandaid? In any case, Fumie’s unique *vulnerability* is like surprise icing on the cake, lol.
P.S. But I should add, with my Morte the Death Bringer, when u slide off her transparent thong-pantsu, her *vulnerability* is even-more finely detailed than Fumie’s! @_@;
xjaymanx´s last blog post > Blog 174 > Wild Anime & Final Figures
lol pay you back…uhm something? ^^
ok i think we can arrange sth
what would you like to request?
i accept ur requests now, but better in private message
miyabiko´s last blog post > Blog 23: OMG !!!! It’s like x-mas
lol, I know the leafs outta place. I did remove it before, but it looked weirder without it lol.
And by Hardware specs, you mean like computer speed, ram etc right? I got a comp with 4GB of ram, a split harddrive(god knows why…)176GB(C drive) and 273GB(D drive), and NVidia Geforce 9600 GT graphics card, I think its 256 mb…
And I got a dual core Intel Core 2 Duo CPU, each 3.00ghz. I think thats about it… I got it free hehe.(From the Goverment due to my Chrons stomach thing lol, jammy I know!) It’s super-energy efficient aswell.
As for the ‘possibly related posts’ thing, I thought everyone had it lol. I’ll go look now…
Meimi132´s last blog post > Fruit bowl in Maya 2008
@M132: Nah, just delete the leaf, lol. Yeah, exactly, the technical specs… Bloody hell, that huge 4GB RAM is probably the nicest boost to performance. Actually, I was also thinking of getting an iMac (yeah, more electronics, lol) by the end of the year, but might have to financially wait a bit with my puny 3-yr-old 1GB-RAM 1.7GHz-CPU laptop, lol.
Wow, holy crap, I just googled and installed Microkid’s “Possibly Related Posts”. That is one wicked-sweet plugin, lol. Just added 3 to my last (same old) post.
But speaking of cool features, u should get yourself a Gravatar. Basically, u go to Gravatar.com, sign up, upload your icon-avatar, and it’ll appear on all blog comments which implement it, like mine. So u won’t get stuck with my default Toybox icon, hehe. ^_^
Apparantly I’m already signed up with Gravatar lol. I went on the page and it said ‘Hello Meimi132!’ And I checked the account, and my mini-me icon is already uploaded there lol.
Meimi132´s last blog post > Clannad Game Error – DirectSound?
And I forgot to say, my laptop, that I’m on right now…. 1gb of ram and a 1.7ghz cpu….. And I got it last year, July….
Meimi132´s last blog post > Clannad Game Error – DirectSound?