Sepia! When I saw my friend Lena‘s “Mad Elephants” sepia photos in her LiveJournal, I had to do it too, lol. So I tried it with my “Death Girls” photoshoot taken earlier this month — my 1/6-scale “Morte from Noir et Blanc” (Toranoana, June-July 2007) obtained in August 2007, and 1/6-scale “Misa from Death Note” (Jun Planning, June 2007) obtained in September 2007. Hmmmm, I think their gothic outfits match the sepia style quite nicely! Their full photoshoot coming soon!
In other news, just spent a hefty $900 USD this morning to repair the scraping and leaking brakes on my 1991 Toyota. Damn, no iMac this year. But not bad considering how LONG the car has been with me. LONG time! Over 173,000 miles since my undergrad college days! On the other hand, while the car was at the dealership yesterday, I had a CEO-paid breakfast with two colleagues at the high-class “Four Seasons – Veranda”. Pretty empty at 8-9am, but tasty smoked salmon slices as well as delicious multi-berry French toast drenched in maple syrup! Yummm! Then for Thanksgiving tomorrow, a modest grilled-steak dinner with the ex-in-laws and a few of their relatives. Not bad. It also feels nice to use my vacation hours to take every Monday off till the end of 2007. Nice!