remix 063 ~ against the bright blue

images by “night_huntress” :: original post
remixed image & words by “xjaymanx

against the bright blue

an awkward sigh
and a stuttered reply
were their final steps
before his kiss goodbye

an empty shudder
and an unspoken sting
were her last remnants
of their hollow fling

his flight took off
as she walked away
past the bustling crowds
into the sunlight of day

a futile breath
with each new stride
not caring for love
she was always denied

but a shadow above
caught her staring eye
a distant sparrow
hovering in the sky

before she knew it
and beheld the view
two dancing sparrows
against the bright blue

surprising herself
she dared to imagine
transporting her soul
beyond the horizon

a renewed wonder
and an inspired gaze
rekindled her hope
in life’s mysterious ways