Blog 129 > Motorcycle Asuka, Baka!

Damn, over two months since my last anime post! Sorry about that, lol. Crap happens. Nevertheless, better late than never, eh? ^_^

Well, back on Feb 28th, when I received the E2046 Newsletter #110 “Asuka with Motorcycle 2” in my email, I was totally blown away!!! A breathtaking 1/6-scale depiction of the fiesty Asuka from the classic anime “Evangelion”, boasting her sexy leather outfit, straddling her heavily detailed bike, and grasping a tall can of who-knows-what in her left hand, haha. In both a red version and a black version! Simply amazing! Obviously not PVC material, but is she still worth the $280.00 USD price tag? Wow, if I could only add her to my collection

Hmmm, I think I like Asuka more in her signature red, but then again, she looks good in black too! If you could, which would you choose? ^_^

Blog 102 > Black Angel of Death!

Whew, a frackin’ made it! Back in my Blog 030 > Half-Naked Death (January 2007), I remember seeing “Morte” when she was a 1/7-scale “Morte the Death Bringer” resin figure (; purple image below). Yeah, she was definitely a Gothic Lolita with a cute-yet-corrupt edge of Sex and Death! And still is! So while I procrastinated past both the pre-order and order periods for the larger-but-cheaper 1/6-scale “Morte” PVC figure (; red image above), I finally found her at, smashed away the financial guilt, and snatched her before I could lose her again, forever! Whew!

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Blog 099 > Weapons in the Wind

Whoa! When I first saw her, I virtually fell in love with her! In fact, it’s been a while since I ordered a figure BEFORE seeing an anime portraying her. In this case, she’s 1/7-scale “Fumie” from the Edelweiss eroge (Japanese erotic videogame) with her long raven-black hair, white windblown dress, and old-style pistol and shotgun. There’s just something gothic yet classical, stoic yet carefree, angelic and demonic, about her! So yeah, I ordered her with a target release of November-December 2007. For those interested, the videogame story site is provided with the image below.

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Blog 086 > The Pirate & the Lolita

Damn, I couldn’t help it! Not only a new Gothloli Asuka pre-order for August-September, but now grabbing two new pre-orders for October-November! First, a 1/8-scale “Space Pirate” (from Intron Depot 4) with bright-blue hair, black leather and yes, lots of skin, lol.

Second, a 1/8-scale “Gothloli Ryofu” (from Ikki Tousen) with bright-green hair, white stockings, plus removable two-piece top, removable bloomers and removable skirt! In other words, yes again, lots of skin, lol. Snatch ’em now before they disappear forever… or until a possible re-release, haha. Meanwhile, looks like several low-budget months of ramen for me…

Blog 072 > Gothloli Melancholy!

Yup! It was bound to happen! A “Gothic Lolita” version of Haruhi from the wildly popular anime The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. At $130.00 USD, this pre-painted 1/7-scale resin figure features Haruhi in a gothic black-and-white dress, adorned with red roses and red shoes, and featuring her optional musical attachment: Her electric guitar! And according to this accompanying link, Mikuru and Yuki are soon to follow! Gotta have them! But damn, too pricey. Maybe I’ll wait for the PVC versions, lol.

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Blog 032 > Hmmm, Under Where?

Kaze from Chaos Gate Jingai Makyo | Image from Hobby Search

Whoa, hahaha!… Since this 1/10-scale “Kaze” figure (coming in April 2007) is too small (maybe 6 inches tall) for my usual 1/8-scale minimum, she’s not a likely candidate for my “Wish List”… Actually, her full name is Kaze no Ushiro wo Ayumumono (The Thing That Walks Behind the Wind)… But I thought her playfully ecchi/erotic style deserved some mention… After all, like my 1/7-scale “Ignis” figure, she’s from the same hentai/erotic videogame Chaos Gate Jingai Makyo… So we shouldn’t be surprised by her pose, right?

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Blog 030 > Half-Naked Death Can Be So Expensive!

Hmmm, there’s a “Wish List”, then there’s an “Impossible Wish List”… Coming in late January 2007, between $100 and $150 USD (not including shipping) on two different figure sites — and — this tauntingly demonic girl, half-dressed in feather and leather and metal, this 1/7-scale “Morte the Death Bringer” resin figure is undeniably breathtaking! Yet expensively out-of-reach… Like I said, quite nearly impossible, hehe…

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Blog 028 > From the Black Lagoon!

Revy from Black Lagoon
Revy from Black Lagoon | Image from Hobby Search

Oh yeah, yet another figure from the Japanese Hobby Search site to add to my Wish List 2007, hehehe… This time, having loved the pirate-for-hire action series Black Lagoon (gonna find time to watch Season 2 soon), this 1/8-scale “Revy” figure definitely caught my eye!… We’ll see if it appears on the American Twin Moons site any time soon…

Otakurl it! | Click here to see my Anime Figure List.

Blog 013 > Fateful Rider!

Rider from Fate/Hollow Ataraxia
Rider from Fate/Hollow Ataraxia | Image from Hobby Search

As I was checking my email at work, I found this new pre-order (for April 2007) in the latest issue of my “Hobby Search” email subscription… Since I liked “Rider” in the “Fate/Stay Night” anime series, the 1/6-scale “Rider” swimsuit figure definitely caught my eye!… But I don’t like her so much that I can’t wait for her to appear on the more-affordable “Twin Moons” American site… if she appears there at all…