+++++ Doctor Who 2005 – Season 1 (1-13) – Started 06/2006. Finished 07/21. D-WOW! Updated effects, action, but most of all, emotional drama!
Fantastic! The Ninth Doctor is fantastic, as is his time-traveling companion Rose Tyler! Yes, after 13 months, on Saturday the 21st, I finally finished the last 3 episodes (plus the Christmas special) of the expertly re-imagined Doctor Who 2005. As a kid up through high school in the 80’s, I remember watching all of the classic BBC episodes — those available or recovered at the time — from the black-and-white rebroadcasts of the First through Third Doctors to the color rebroadcasts of the Third through Eight Doctors. Now, with the Ninth Doctor, all of the same quirky, logical, and fantastical elements of the series are repainted in a more striking and reverberating post-9/11 light. The same but restyled TARDIS. The same but redressed adversaries. A-ha, the Daleks! And the same but more vividly portrayed 3D characters. Swinging me from cries of laughter to the edge of tears. Amazing. I can’t wait to begin Doctor Who 2006 with the Tenth Doctor. But damn, since the Time Lords held the ability for only 12 regenerations (giving a total of 13 personalities), the Doctor only has 3 regenerations left! Ah, no worries, he’ll find a way out, lol… 5 of 5 stars!