post 369 ~ new hardware!
- Philips DVP642 ~ on monday the 17th, got my shipment of this awesome dvd player… why awesome?… well, i already have one in the living room (this is my 2nd for the exercise room!) and it plays 80-90% of my AVI files beautifully… especially my anime AVIs, of course!… now it’s only 80-90%, not b/c of the player, but b/c of the damn files which don’t have the correct codecs… oh well, still amazing!
- Linksys WRT54GL ~ also on that monday, got my new router!… now, it’s been several years since i got high-speed DSL, and my first router (microsoft) did pretty well for a couple years until it died in april… so my next one was a Netgear; it did okay, some dropouts which i assumed was the DSL, but when i bypassed the router, the DSL was fine!… so after a few months of this intermittent bullshit, i did my research and ordered the Linksys… apparently this GL version maintains the stable Linux firmware, while later versions have buggier windows-based firmware… and already after 5 days, it’s freakin’ AWESOME!… no dropouts or delays whatsoever!… “the holy grail of routers!” ;)…
- DELL 2007WFP ~ yup!… on thursday the 20th, i ordered the 20-inch widescreen monitor from DELL… shipped yesterday! should get it within the week, haha!… during my research, i’ve read about the “color banding” problem, but with a net cost of only about $60, i figure it’s worth the risk… and if it’s bad, i can always return/exchange it, right?
- Nao from Mabinogi ~ also on that thursday (i think), got my 9th and newest figure!… she’s “Nao” from the korean game “Mabinogi”… not terribly expensive, but i was taken by the translucency/transparency of her clothing, especially the skirt… damn, that’s fine sculpting work!
- Anime-Watching Updates ~ the newest anime gem i’ve seen is “kasimasi: girl meets girl”; wonderfully sensitive, gentle, at times even heart-breaking… finished “NANA” episode 14; finished “NANA” manga 3… tons more to go! ;)
- Goofy Dentistry ~ on wednesday the 19th, jen’s and my visit to our goofy but lovable dentist tiffani, her husband/receptionist dallas, and her hygienist jana… we told tiffani and jana about our divorce since there was no need to hide it from them… they were sad, but we reassured them, that it was the best thing to do… LOL, but now tiffani and jana want to find and hook up someone with me, haha! ;)
- Madarame Ramen ~ and lastly, after taking a closer look at my expenses versus income, i guess i’ll be having more RAMEN for a while… with the huge increase in my new mortgage payments, i should be able to shave my FOOD expenses from about $400/month down to $200-250/month, which would be a great help… hahaha, reminds me of the “extreme otaku geek” madarame from the hilarious anime “genshiken”, who sacrifices food in order to buy pornographic anime and manga! ;)))