“genshiken” (2005) |
post 352 ~ anime marathon over the weekend… well, pretty close to one, hehe…
- genshiken ~ short but sweet!… finished the 12-ep first season… ah, the hilarious college antics of an animated-porn-loving “otaku” club… in addition to the anime, spent about 2-3 hours reading the manga versions at the “borders” and “barnes & noble” bookstores; so the anime was quite faithful to the story and style of the manga!… even pre-ordered a figure; coming in a few months!
- fate stay night ~ watched the latest fan-subbed episode #20 in the fantasy anime series… a lighter episode exploring the humor, but also the deeper emotions/thoughts of the main characters “emiya” and “saber” and their future if/when they obtain the “holy grail”…
- blood+ ~ AMAZING 1st episode of the anime series, based on the classic 20-30-minute film “blood: the last vampire”… presentation is quite faithful to the original feature… very slick, stylish, and bloody! ;)))
- trinity blood ~ another AMAZING 1st episode… brand new series!… similar to “hellsing” in its battle between vampires and the vatican, but taken centuries into the future… a presentation similar to “vampire hunter D: bloodlust”… again, very stylish, gothic and grandiose!… and bloody, of course! ;)))
- kiddy grade ~ during my workouts, continued watching this “teenaged eye-candy cyborg” series yet again (maybe the fifth time over the past few years? lol)… finished the 4th of 8 dvds… still an unexpectedly complex story of tragic pasts and hidden agendas…
- ghost in the shell: stand alone complex ~ during my meals, watched this “anti-terrorist cyberpunk” series yet again (maybe the fifth time also?)… and finished the 7th/last dvd today… yeah-yeah, still a highly intellectually and philosophically engaging action series…
- anime insider & newtype usa ~ last but not least, catching up on my magazines and free dvd samples… haha, when i’m NOT watching anime or reading manga… or when i’m NOT (dare i say it?) working… ;)))
- whew!… that’s definitely a LOT of anime over the weekend plus today…