Heyyy! Hello, my Ticklish Toyboxers! What’s up? What’s been going on? As a few of you might already know, I took a mini-break to rest, recharge, and most importantly, let my elbows recover and ring-and-pinky fingers relax from an irritating twinge of Cubital Tunnel Syndrome. So like I told Kris-chan last week: “I don’t think a planned 70-100 pic post would be in my best interest right now, lol. Besides, gave me stuff to think about. Hence, a new experimental post.”
Speaking of which, I hope you enjoyed my experimental Blog 206 > Anime Adrift. Not only an experiment, but it transformed into quite an intriguing Toyboxer test, haha! Congratulations to those of you who commented poetically and passed! But enough about last week. Just because I took it easy last week, doesn’t mean I won’t launch a massive 7-part 120-image cybernetic “mega-cast” or “giga-cast” this week. Including a deadly barrage of Japanese angels, gunslinging badasses, angelic cyborgs and otaku bloggers for every taste. So I hope you’re healthy, ready and willing enough to withstand the light-speed onslaught. Well, then? Let the battles begin…
Part 1 of 7 > Juri Ueno & Nodame Cantabile
Wow. Comedic. Dramatic. Inspiring. Sublime. What more can I add? What else can I say about the live-action Japanese drama “Nodame Cantabile” (2006), starring the irresistible Juri Ueno, eh? Here’s my speed-review for the anime-version back in my December Blog 178.
Nodame Cantabile [50]. My 50th anime title-or-season of the year. Oh wow! Now this series is an extraordinary tapesty in the romantic-comedic styles of the classic “Kare Kano” and the rock-and-roll “Nana”, but colored and interwoven through searingly sublime piano, violin and orchestral music. Probably one of the most original, breathtaking, and utterly unforgettable series in a long time. Easily 5 of 5 stars!
So how does the 11-episode live-action drama compare? Well, let me answer it this way. While I watched the first episode on 24 May 2009, I finished the remaining ten episodes from 7 June to 12 June! Less than a week! And then I finished the 2-part “European Special” the next day on 13 June, haha. I mean, the over-the-top physical comedy sets up the profound emotional dilemmas perfectly. And this only works when the actors and actresses can portray the orchestral roller-coaster tale just as flawlessly. Like I said: Sublime. I’m even tempted to give my first 6 of 5 stars ever. But I mustn’t break the rules too often, or it defeats the purpose of the rating system, lol. Very well, let’s go with 5 of 5 stars. To celebrate, here are a series of screencaps from Design Chronicle and a couple of promotional shots from Sony Music Japan.
Hehe, shall I present my traditional fake captions?
Why am I showing the ending credits first?
Eh, why not? To give an initial impression of the overall series?
Ah, Europe!
Ah, young Shinichi-kun before the terror and the trauma.
Ah, the college-aged Shinichi-sempai: “Who stole my porn?”
The next-door Nodame-chan: “You mean, *my* porn?”
Shinichi-sempai: “You threw my porn where?”
Shinichi-sempai: “I’ll have to teach you a lesson! A bath should do it!”
Nodame-chan: “Ahh, the piano feels like shampoo…”
Nodame-chan: “Is it true? The piano is nothing without porn!”
Nodame-chan: “Hehe, or is porn nothing without the piano?”
Shinichi-sempai: “Take that! You porn-stealing piano-playing fruit-cake!”
Nodame-chan: “Awww, I love it when he smacks me…”
Nodame-chan: “It means he loves me…”
Nodame-chan: “Oh no, I can’t find the porn I borrowed…”
Nodame-chan: “Maybe a little make-up will help?”
Shinichi-sempai: “Ah, porn is nothing without the violin!”
Nodame-chan: “You’re right! I thought the violin was nothing without porn!”
Nodame-chan: “Nooo, how can I be sick now? I need to find his porn…”
Mine-san: “Shinichi-san’s right. Porn is nothing without the violin!”
Shinichi-sempai: “Nodame-chan, let’s find the porn together.”
Stresemann-sensei: “Hahaha, what do you mean? I haven’t finished your porn yet!”
Stresemann-sensei: “But Nodame-chan, you can have it back in exchange for one kiss…”
Nodame-chan: “Whah-whah-whah?”
Stresemann-sensei: “Nodame-chan, are you sure you don’t want your porn back?”
Stresemann-sensei: “Ahh, porn is nothing without an orchestra!
Nodame-chan: “I have to find it. I have to find it…”
Shinichi-sempai: “What? You couldn’t find my porn? Wait! You know where it is?”
Nodame-chan: “But I want to watch it too!”
Stresemann-sensei: “What!?! They stole back my favorite porn!?!”
Shinichi-sempai: “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have taken the porn from you.”
Stresemann-sensei: “You should *all* be sorry! That was mine-mine-mine!”
Nodame-chan: “Hehe, I can’t wait to see it! Can’t wait to see it!”
LOL, okay-okay, enough of the fake captions. Here’s the cover of what looks like a Japanese TV guide. For the week of 21-27 October 2006. Featuring Juri Ueno and Hiroshi Tamaki from “Nodame Cantabile”. Aww, lemons.
Here’s an inside page from that TV guide. Feel free to enlarge the image, hehe.
Next, here’s a couple of promotional shots from Sony Music Japan, lol. From the week of Christmas 2007.
Here’s another high-resolution shot. Feel free to enlarge the image, hehe.
Well, I hope you enjoyed my flurrying musings of “Nodame Cantabile”. It’s definitely hard *not* to fall in love or feel protective of the carefree Nodame-chan or actress Juri Ueno, lol. In fact, according to her Wikipedia page, 2 live-action “Nodame Cantabile” films are coming soon in 2010! Really? I’m not surprised at all. LOL, we can’t get enough of Juri-chan, can we?
Part 2 of 7 > Juri Ueno & Anime Adrift
Heyyy, speaking of Juri Ueno, I mentioned my experimental Blog 206 > Anime Adrift at the top of my giga-cast, right? Well, during my search for some high-resolution “Juri Ueno” pics to accompany my “Nodame” discussion, I stumbled across an online stash of her old pics from her “JURIfirst” (2004) photo book. Which means Juri-chan was 18-years-old when her photo book was released, two years after her 2002 television debut. Which also isn’t surprising, since many famous Japanese actresses began their entertainment career as a gravure idol. Actress Yukie Nakama, from the comedy “Gokusen” (Live-Action Drama, 2002, 2005, 2008), is another name which comes to mind. But some girls start as early as 12 years old, if not younger!
In any case, here are 2 brief photoshoots from her photo book. Feel free to enlarge the high-resolution scans.
Interestingly, here’s the cover *without* the additional cover flap.
Then here’s the cover *with* the cover flap, mentioning her fame in TV and commercials (CM), haha. Why not mention it, right?
Well, that’s all for now. Just a quick 9-page glimpse of the near-100-page photo book. Hmm, maybe I’ll trickle a few more photoshoots in the near future? Who knows? But now, from live-action romantic comedies and gravure-idol photo books, let’s leap 180-degrees into post-apocalyptic cyborg technologies!
Part 3 of 7 > Chronicles of Cyborgs & Terminators
Drama. Desperation. Terror. Horror. Sublime. What more can I add? What else can I say about the American sci-fi drama “Terminator – The Sarah Connor Chronicles” (2008), eh? Back in my Blog 203 last month, I mentioned that the series had been sadly cancelled before I even had a chance to finish it. But now that I’ve finished it, it’s even more sad. Within one month, I began the first episode of “Season 2” on 23 May 2009, then finished the final revealing episode just a few days ago, on 19 June 2009. Despite the expectedly heavy atmosphere within such a post-apocalyptic time-shifting saga, the acting amongst all of the actors is top-notch. And the stylistic reverence and cinematic adherence to the original film trilogy is uncanny! An impressive 5 of 5 stars! To celebrate, here are a series of high-resolution promotional wallpapers, photos and other images, many of which come from TV Spoilers Center.
Yup, here are a ton of huge images, including a bunch that are larger than 3000px, and a few that are 4000px! Gotta love the shotgun. A nice reference to the films, lol. Do you want to live?
Ah, here are the leading and killing women of the series.
And now, here are a stockpile of terminating wallpapers.
Well, do you really want to live? Despite the cancellation, I must congratulate the cast and crew of “Terminator – The Sarah Connor Chronicles” (2008) for a job well done! After 2 time-gripping mind-bending seasons, it’s sad to see it end. But maybe now, I can finally catch the latest “Terminator 4 – Salvation” (2009) film. Maybe?
Part 4 of 7 > Chronicles of Shirley, Summer & Stephanie
Ah, the deadly actresses of “Terminator – The Sarah Connor Chronicles”! Shirley, Summer and Stephanie! Let’s begin with Shirley, lol. Wow, I first remember Shirley Manson when she was the lead vocalist of Garbage, back when I bought their debut album in 1995! Loved their music and especially her voice! Enough to buy their follow-up album “Version 2.0” in 1998, lol. So when I saw Shirley appear in this sci-fi series, in her first professional acting role, I was intrigued and pleasantly surprised! A 14-year arc, lol. Pretty awesome.
Next, remember Summer? Haha, like I mentioned a few mega-casts ago, I first remember Summer Glau from her previous sci-fi series “Firefly” (2002). And like I mentioned, this will be her *second* sci-fi axe. Oh well, it was nice while it lasted, right? A 7-year arc, lol. Still pretty awesome.
By the way, here’s a hilarious NSFW-pornographic composite image I stumbled across in my “Terminator – The Sarah Connor Chronicles” searches, lol. Be warned! Don’t enlarge the image unless you’re willing to subject yourself to some humorous nudity! But still, despite the poor spelling, the Photoshop quality is remarkable, lol. “Cum with her if you want to live”, lol.
Ah, last but never least, Stephanie! My favorite, lol. So why do I say “favorite”? Well, if you remember a couple of months ago in my Steampunk mega-cast (Blog 196, Part 4), I posted about my favorite “Firefly” fanfic character, the Anglo-Asian genius pilot I created and illustrated in 2004, named Akiko “Lucky” Yoshikawa. While Angry Mimi-chan may remind me of Lucky’s appearance and personality, Stephanie Jacobsen, based on her performance in “Battlestar Galactica – Razor” (2007), would be the perfect actress to play Lucky. Not only with her combined Portuguese, Chinese, Norwegian, and British heritage, but especially her Aussie accent!
So when I saw Stephanie appear in this series, yet another sci-fi series, I was immediately drawn into her particular strand of the “Terminator” saga. Here’s a still from the “Terminator” set.
Next, here’s a still from the “Battlestar Galactica – Razor” set. Impressive.
Finally, here’s a shot in a softer outfit, from neither “Terminator” nor “Battlestar Galactica”, lol.
So that’s it! The quick and dirty “Terminator” chronicles of Shirley, Summer and Stephanie linking “Garbage”, “Firefly”, and “Battlestar Galactica”, as well as linking Scottish, British and Australian accents, lol. Wait, did I mention I have a thing for European and European-based accents? I did? Oh, sorry then.
Part 5 of 7 > Hard-Boiled Cops, Blade Runners & Battling Angels
Oh yeah! Extending the exterminating trajectory of badass gunslingers and gunslinging badasses, let’s take a one-eyed aim at the classic Hong Kong action film “Hard Boiled” (1992), directed by John Woo, and starring Chow Yun-Fat and Tony Leung Chiu-Wai. Haha, yup, last week on 14 June 2009, I finally managed to watch what many critics consider to be “one of the greatest and most influential action films ever made”! And I can’t disagree! Not only that, Chow Yun-Fat and Tony Leung Chiu-Wai are so young, lol. Especially since mentioning Tony Leung in my Red Cliffs mega-cast (Blog 201, Part 3), lol. Consequently, I’d have to award the film a bullet-flying 4 of 5 stars!
In fact, here’s the front cover of the 2007 DVD-version I watched.
Here’s a similar cover including both the front and back.
Finally, here’s a famous still from the classic action film.
Now, after watching “Hard Boiled”, and noticing many of the elements that influenced later films like “Terminator” (1984), “Die Hard” (1988) and “The Matrix” (1999), I couldn’t escape one particular motif. After seeing Tony Leung’s paper cranes, I couldn’t help being reminded of the origami figures folded by Edward James Olmos in “Blade Runner” (1982). So guess what? What did I do? Immediately after finishing “Hard Boiled”, I decided to watch my old DVD copy of the classic American sci-fi film “Blade Runner – Director’s Cut” (1982, 1992), starring Harrison Ford and Edward James Olmos, for the first time in years. Yup, years! Too funny. Funny how seeing Edward James Olmos’ “pimped” humanoid form and the “skin job” reference to cyborg Replicants, both reminded me of the humanoid Cylons in “Battlestar Galactica”. Even funnier how Harrison Ford’s piano managed to remind me of “Nodame Cantabile” too, lol. Funny how everything I watch is somehow related to everything else I watch! From gun battles to paper cranes to killer cyborgs!
Here’s the front cover of the 1992 “Director’s Cut” DVD-version I watched.
Next, here’s the poster of the 2007 “Final Cut” version.
Finally, here’s the front cover of the 2007 “Final Cut” DVD-version I still haven’t watched.
Coincidentally, in yet another related piece of post-apocalyptic possibilities, just a few days ago, I finally managed to finish the ninth and final volume of the original cyberpunk-splatterpunk manga series “Battle Angel Alita” (Gunnm, 1990) created, written and illustrated by Yukito Kishiro! Damn, after years of delay, I finally resumed “Angel of Chaos” (Volume 7) on 27 March 2009. Three months later, I finally finished “Angel’s Ascension” (Volume 9) on 19 June 2009! An undisputed and masterfully executed 5 of 5 stars! One of the rare manga gems I’ve ever finished, lol.
Here’s the cover of “Rusty Angel” (Volume 1), which magnetically caught by eye all those years ago, and never let go.
Ah, here’s a cool fanart wallpaper version of the manga cover.
Here’s another rustier-and-bloodier fanart version of the manga cover.
Finally, here’s an amazing 3D CG-rendered fanart version of the manga cover. Wow.
Aww, and of course, here’s a close-up of Alita herself.
The following day, on 20 June 2009, I snapped a few random photos of my “Blade Runner” DVD, “Battle Angel Alita” manga, and the FUTURO elbow and wrist supports which facilitated (and continue to facilitate) my recovery.
A slightly different angel. Oops, I meant, “angle”.
A real-life demonstration!
Whew, that was exhausting! Hard-boiled cops, blade runners and battling angels! All we need are “hard-boiled cyborgs”, and the circle will be complete, lol. Right, Vader?
Part 6 of 7 > Thankful Fridays & Tasty Sundaes
Okay, my Tireless Toyboxers, time to take a break from Japanese angels, gunslinging badasses, and angelic cyborgs, lol. Time to talk about myself! To be specific, on Friday, 19 June 2009, I decided to treat my co-worker friend Michelle with lunch to celebrate her birthday over the weekend. Where did we go for lunch? Since I was treating, I let her decide. And ultimately, she decided on “T.G.I.Friday’s”, of course! I haven’t been there in years!
I have no idea what I’m explaining in this first shot, but that “Park, Ride, Relax” sign is pretty funny.
A thoughtful pose! Check out the plane taking off beyond my windshield!
Haha, Michelle, nice motorcycle catch!
A-ha! Wearing my FUTURO elbow support, lol.
There’s the next airplane! Can you capture that?
Hehehe, there it is! Just landed on the runway!
Hahaha, whatever!
Hey, Michelle, got enough salad?
Got enough soup? Umm, could you stop moving?
LOL, finally, that’s better.
Mmmm, my delicious salmon pasta!
My tasty French onion soup!
And finally, our free birthday sundae! Free! Awww.
Wow, that was too quick! Hmm, I think the lack of killer cyborgs had something to do with it, lol.
Part 7 of 7 > Otaku Outlook & Battling Toyboxers
Did someone say “killer cyborgs”? Nahhh, none here. Just some blog-battling otaku. Same thing? Nahhh, lol. Nonetheless, continuing our traditional otaku-blog coverage from last month’s Tales (Blog 202, Part 1) mega-cast and previous month’s Supercops (Blog 198, Part 1) mega-cast, here’s the latest batch of estimated theoretical values in the otaku blogosphere.
As you can plainly see in the first chart (enlarge if necessary), “Sankaku Complex” continues to seduce the otakusphere and reduce “Danny Choo” to a seemingly pilot-less Gundam, lol.
Meanwhile, in the second chart (enlarge if necessary), “Happy Soda” and “xJAYMANx_toybox” continue their irregular rise. However, based on these specific dozen-plus trajectories, the overall otakusphere seems generally stable.
Hehehe, now, let’s have some fun! Until now, I’ve always focussed on otaku-blog trajectories in the theoretical $5K-to-10K or $10K-to-20K range. This time, let’s focus on the theoretical $0K-to-3K range! In fact, let’s turn this into a little “game” or “race”. Why not? Why not wonder who theoretically “wins” next month? Just for fun, of course.
Let’s begin with Girl G33k (Kris-chan) at $876 USD.

18 June | Website Outlook – Girl G33k
After her is Furudango (Koshiko-chan) at $1569.50 USD.

18 June | Website Outlook – Furudango
Third is Aprilius20 (A20-man) at $2372.50 USD.

18 June | Website Outlook – Aprilius20
After him is Rhythm Emotion (Lene-chan) at $2438.20 USD.

18 June | Website Outlook – Rhythm Emotion
Fifth is One and Only Jem (Jem-chan) at $2489.30 USD.

18 June | Website Outlook – One and Only Jem
After her is The Coco Cafe (Coco-chan) at $2868.90 USD.

18 June | Website Outlook – The Coco Cafe
Finally, seventh is Lovely Duckie (Duckie-chan) at $2905.40 USD. Since her new domain at www.lovelyduckie.com hasn’t fully taken hold yet, I’ll use her WordPress.com blog for now.

18 June | Website Outlook – Lovely Duckie
So who’s the theoretical $0K-to-3K winner this month? Duckie-chan is! Congratulations, Duckie-chan! I don’t know what prize you’ve actually won, but I’ll figure it out some time, lol. Remember, my Trembling Toyboxers, once your otaku-blog exceeds an estimated worth of $3K, it no longer qualifies for this so-called “race”. Just to keep it interesting, hehe. Good luck, next month!
Heyyy, how are you doing? Are you okay? Did you survive my massive 7-part 120-image cybernetic “giga-cast” this week? Did you survive my deadly barrage of Japanese angels, gunslinging badasses, angelic cyborgs and otaku bloggers for every taste? Well, I hope so! I mean, if you withstood my light-speed onslaught, then you are truly a Trooping Toyboxer! As always, let’s thank the glorious guest-starring girls who graced my broadcast! Thank you, Nodame-chan, Juri-chan, Sarah, Cameron, Shirley, Summer, Stephanie, Alita-chan, and Michelle (Happy Birthday!), as well as Kris-chan, Koshiko-chan, Lene-chan, Jem-chan, Coco-chan, and lastly, Duckie-chan (Congratulations!)… Whew, this was definitely massive. Quite a massive attack.
Till next broadcast. Peace. Out.
Final Flashback
Nodame-chan: “Maybe a little make-up will help?”
Whoa! I didn’t realize there was a “phanatic” here! Makes me want to get into the fandom for realz instead of the time when I was 13 and (mildly! only mildly!) obsessed with the movie version.
I didn’t know that my websiteoutlook stats were that high. O_o I thought I’d be making a potential revenue of 10 bucks or something.
.-= Coco the Bean´s last blog > Cosplay Finished! + Pre AX post =-.
@Coco-chan: Haha, “Phanatic”? You aren’t looking at me, are you? Haha! Yeah, not just Kris-chan and Angela, but I was exposed to “Phantom of the Opera” since my ex was a soprano in college. Heyyy, I thought the film version was pretty decent too! (Kris-chan hated it, lol.) Especially if it brings the story to the film audience who aren’t hard-core Broadway theatre goers, right? Hmm, when you were 13? You mean last year? Haha, kidding… Awww, no kidding. Looks like your blog is doing pretty decently for a newer bubble in the otakusphere. Congrats! And how’s the “Oh Taco! Otaku!” venture going? ^o^
Yeah, I’m a Phan. :)
But my phandom is extremely mild compared to the hard core phans. I’d need to see the show about 200 more times to really qualify, I think, lol.
I don’t think you need to be a fan of opera to like the show, since the music is what they call “rock opera.” It’s very much musical theatre, with some operatic touches.
.-= Kris´s last blog > Midori Days =-.
@Kris-chan: What!?! Umm, 200 freaking times!?! That’s about 400 hours that could be spent on something else, lol. Like anime, sci-fi and J-drama!
Probably closer to 600 hours, but yeah. There really are people who have seen it hundreds of times. As I mentioned, I’ve seen it 4 times. I saw it 3 times on the same run, in the same month, with the same cast (once with my mom, once with my dad, and once with some friends who invited me). Then I saw it again with my fiancee and his parents, with the Phantom played by the man who played Raoul the first time I saw it. When/if it comes back (I’m sure it will eventually) I will go see it again.
But yes, that’s a lot of hours. And money, with tickets running $30-90 (or more) each. That’s lots of anime that could be bought. :)
If I wasn’t totally terrified of flying, I would sooo come out and see the Vegas show with you. They’re doing a big Phan thing there in September.
.-= Kris´s last blog > Midori Days =-.
@Kris-chan: Whabba-what? Now 600??? Then again, I don’t doubt you at all. I mean, here’s an old 1999 article back when my brother used to be a NYC casting director. I mean, back then, he was watching “an average of 10 plays a week”! Average! But I don’t think he watched “Phantom” hundreds of times, lol. Possibly dozens, but not hundreds.
Aww, terrified of flying like Nodame’s Chiaki-kun? But that’d definitely be a cool incentive for me to crack the piggy bank and visit the Vegas Strip again. Which hotel-casino? Yeah, if there was female friend who found “Phantom” more interesting than “Transformers” in my limited sphere of influence, I might consider it too. Okay, I might be exaggerating. But I haven’t found her yet, lol.
I’ve seen the first season of Nodame Cantabile the anime and I really liked it. Although I was so supportive of Nodame I found myself frustrated that people didn’t notice her amazing talents! And now she is off to Paris!? GAAH! Seeing the live action screenshots of the scenes I saw in the anime in your post was really cool and amusing. With every post I read of yours about live action I become more and more curious about trying it out.
.-= lovelyduckie´s last blog > Wall Scrolls and Candy Haul! =-.
@Duckie-chan: Hehe, yeah, I know what you mean! But if everyone saw her amazing talents from the first episode, then we’d never get the wild-and-wacky emotional roller-coaster ride of a full series, would we? Aww, thanx. I always try to use “fake” captions so I don’t spoil the actual plot. Fortunately, you’ve already seen the anime, so I’m relieved, lol.
Heyyy, that’s exactly how my live-action curiosity got started too. It starts with one memorable anime. Then noticing a live-action version of that anime. Then another anime. Another live-action version. Until it begins to snowball like an avalanche of anime figures! Gahhh! I’m not sure of my exact order, but I believe “You’re Under Arrest”, “Densha Otoko” and “Gokusen” were 3 of my very first live-action series, based on the original anime or manga. Then “Gokusen” has 3 of its own wonderful seasons and specials. Not to mention the “Nana” and “Death Note” films and sequels. Lastly, “Nodame Cantabile”. Meanwhile, I just started “Zettai Kareshi” without even knowing the original manga! I guess I’ll have to wait for the anime, haha. ^_~
@xjaymanx: a lot of people who saw the original musical/read the book/whatever hated the film because of the way it was handled. Ahh, you’re the 2nd person to bring up the 14 year old boy post this past week. (Or were you referring to the way I look? :P)
Lol, thanks~ Hey Taco! Otaku! is on hold due to the recession :x
.-= Coco the Bean´s last blog > Anime Expo 2009 =-.
@Coco-chan: Haha, nahhh. If you hadn’t mentioned “13”, I wouldn’t have been reminded of “14”, lol. But actually, I don’t think of the “boy” part any more. I think your cosplay posts have already rectified that eerie illusion… Ahh, true, the recession. It could be bad. Or it could be the best opportunity to give the people a new place to try when other places are disappearing. ^o^
Its been decided, I’ll try at least the first live action episode of Skip Beat! and we’ll see where things go from there.
.-= lovelyduckie´s last blog > Chroche (AR Tonelico 2) Max Factory =-.
Eh? Skip Beat live action? I heard they were making one in…Taiwan I believe. But I never saw anything about when it started airing… I wanted to watch it.
.-= Kris´s last blog > Texhnolyze =-.
@Duckie-chan & @Kris-chan: Ahh, well-well… While I’ve never seen “Skip Beat” in any form, since the both of you seem to like it, I might have to add the anime version to my “infinite list”. Intriguing. Any objections? ^_~
Well, the Skip Beat! anime came out, this past fall I think. Crunchyroll streamed it too. The anime came out really good, I think; I was pleased with it.
The manga is one of my absolute favorites.
.-= Kris´s last blog > Texhnolyze =-.
@Kris-chan: Ahh, no worries. Really? An anime series actually passed through your “90% is crap” filter? Well, then, it’s a no-brainer. Just added it to my list. Although it might take a few weeks or months to get to it, lol.
Lol, what? That’s a lie! I’d say maybe 60% of it is crap. ^_^
Actually, I like a lot more shows than I hate, it’s just that when I dislike something, I REALLY dislike it. So maybe those just stand out more?
But it does follow the manga faithfully, and it’s great to see things played out. I hope there’s another season, because the show stops right before one of the best parts.
.-= Kris´s last blog > Flowers of Evil =-.
@Kris-chan: Haha, just 60% crap? I would never have guessed! But I think you’re right, you tend to REALLY hate something. Let’s see, in my case, I’d say only 33% is crap, but when I say it’s crap (1-of-5 or 2-of-5 stars), I usually highlight its strong points too, lol. So my speed-reviews are more even-handed. Which means that you probably “hate” something at least 3x as much as you “love” something. So mathematically, to account for this 3x factor, the 60%-40% separation would probably “triple” to a 80%-20% separation. In other words, 60% crap including the 3x “hate”-chill factor, gives a 80% crap value, lol. Ah, much closer! Okay, I think I went a little overboard.
P.S. I see. While I added “Skip Beat!” to my infinite list, I still have to add it to my BitTorrent list. Gotta clear out my hard drive space! ^o^
Haha, you’re just like my friend Ashe. He’s always teasing me, saying I hate everything, but I just tell him “That’s only because you never talk about the things I actually LIKE.” That’s all! You just take more notice of the things I don’t like because I get really passionate about them. I’m like that with things I LOVE too, but usually the things I’m writing about sit somewhere in the middle. Just wait until I finally get around to writing about Ouran High School and Fruits Basket, and I start gushing over how fabulous they are. :)
.-= Kris´s last blog > Flowers of Evil =-.
@Kris-chan: Haha, if your friend Ashe is anything like Asch in “Tales of the Abyss”, then I welcome the compliment. Well, if he doesn’t talk about it, then why don’t *you* bring it up, lol. While I’m not familiar with “Ouran”, you already know my familiarity with the “Fruits Basket” anime, if not its manga. Yeah-yeah, I know, you’re gonna gush that the manga is infinitely better. But if I ever post about “Furuba” or “Kuroshitsuji”, maybe I should bring a raft to weather your epic flood! ^_~