Blog 186 > Sevens, Heavens & Harems

Wow, Maria, thanx! Sadly, this is a fabricated message, lol. Japanese AV idol Maria Ozawa never sent me any congratulations of any kind. Dammit, lol. However, according to the mathematically approximate yet amusingly curious, my site-and-blog’s estimated worth has leapt from $5861.90 to $7774.50 USD in a mere 3 weeks. Just as page hits and views and loads can be quite illuminating, my site worth (or lack thereof) must largely fall in the hands of my passing visitors and long-time readers. Humble thanks. Arigato gozaimasu. Muchas gracias. And may Maria watch over us. Hehe, anime joke. But on top of adult-video starlets and saintly anime, this blog week burns through itchy skin, drives through mystical fog, and hops through harems of women, lol. So on that nonsensical note, let’s begin the show…

Anime Watching Update. Beginning with anime, here are my latest anime speed-reviews. Four more anime titles-seasons watched and completed since Rurouni Kenshin [1] this month, for a total of 5 in this newborn year.

Mobile Suit Gundam [2]. My 2nd anime title-or-season of the year. Original series, finished the first 24 of 43 episodes. Heyyy, the mecha-robotic action and interpersonal drama still hold up after 30 years. Impressive 4 of 5 stars! Can’t wait to finish the rest. Could even hit 5 stars, hehe.

Maria Watches Over Us (Maria-sama ga Miteru or “MariMite” for short) [3]. My 3rd anime title-or-season of the year. First season, thirteen episodes. A gentle but satisfying slice of an all-girls high-school life. Solid 3 of 5 stars. Haha, no-no, this Maria-sama is the Virgin Mary, not Maria Ozawa above, lol.

Kannagi [4]. My 4th anime title-or-season of the year. Thirteen episodes. Wow, beautiful animation, hilarious hijinks, and mysterious high-school drama. Max 4 of 5 stars for a short season! The “closet” episode and “karaoke” episode are two of my memorable faves, hehe. A definite contender for one of my top picks of 2009. And it’s still only January, lol.

Devil Hunter Yohko [5]. My 5th anime title-or-season of the year. Six OVA episodes. Hehe, not bad for 1990. An amusing Sailor-Moon-type high-school heroine thrown into a skin-baring demon-fighting role, lol. Like I mentioned in my Blog 184, this title in 1992 “was the first-ever release of ADV Films, was a #1 top seller, and could be considered one of the first seeds of the anime revolution in the Western world”. While by its very OVA nature, the connection from episode to episode is disjointed, its entertainment factor is still respectable. A pretty decent 3 of 5 stars for today’s standards. And for its random nudity, lol. I appreciate that, Lene-chan.


Itchy & Cloudy Reality. Taking a slight detour from animated sci-fi and fantasy, the Real World popped into view more often than preferred, lol. First of all, in an allergic reaction than began last Saturday and burned for five more days through Thursday, the skin across my entire body burst into a hive-like rash. Ughhh! Beware, here’s a shot of my rashy left thigh last Thursday. Thankfully, I ruled out specific foods and items one-by-one. Until the final possibility came to light. Freakishly-strong laundry detergent! So for several days, I found safer sensitive-skin detergent and rewashed my clothes like a madman. Then on Friday, my new doctor pretty much confirmed my assessment. Whew. Thank the gods for Benadryl, lol.

Then following the heels of this rashy ordeal, I woke up on an ultra-early Saturday morning to leave by 7am and pick up NaTasha by 7:30am. So we could pick up Barbara’s car (my old Toyota) and drive it to NaTasha’s DMV driving test as early as humanly possible. Because we all know DMV’s are notorious for taking forever, lol. So while driving my Nissan, here’s a cellphone shot on my way to pick up NaTasha. What the heck? Is that fog?

Damn, it’s getting closer…

And huger…

And freaking enormous, lol.

After picking NaTasha up, we headed in the opposite direction towards Barbara’s place. Wow, that actually looks awesome…

And back to clarity with hardly a raindrop.

Eventually, NaTasha took Barbara’s old Toyota, and followed me to the DMV. Arrived about 8:30am. Across the street from the DMV, here’s a shot of my Nissan parked in the “Wal-Mart” parking lot.

To make a long story *longer*, as NaTasha waited at the DMV, I drove around the area. Spent an hour getting an oil change. Took a nap in the “Wal-Mart” parking lot. Strolled into a going-out-of-business “Circuit City” electronics store. Visited a “Barnes & Noble” bookstore. Until *RING!*, NaTasha called me back on someone else’s cellphone. As of 12 noon, she was still on line! With five more ahead of her! At this point, I drove home while she decided to wait. Went grocery shopping. Checked my email and internet activities. Then *RING!*, at 3:30pm, NaTasha called back. It was finally her turn. But because the car horn on Barbara’s Toyota didn’t work at all, she couldn’t take the driver’s test! After seven freaking hours of waiting! Seven!

In fact, when NaTasha and I met up again, and brought back the Toyota to Barbara’s place, Barbara coincidentally drove up in her parents’ car. And through our respective car windows, NaTasha told Barbara the *whole* story, lol. Apparently, Barbara knew about the horn. But none of us thought about it. Nobody. Because there was no reason to think about it. Oh well, lol. Pretty much a big waste of time. For all three of us. Well, at least, I got the oil change done, hehe.

Question of the Week. So here’s my question~ If your life followed an anime gender-ratio structure, which structure would it fit the best?

  • [a] “Harem”. Lead boy among multiple girls. Or 90% girls. Such as “Kannagi”.
  • [b] “Reverse harem”. Lead girl among multiple boys. Or 90% boys. Such as “Fruits Basket”.
  • [c] “Same sex”. Lead boy among 90% boys. Lead girl among 90% girls. Such as “Lucky Star”.
  • [d] “Equal”. Lead character among 50% girls and 50% boys. Such as “Genshiken”.
  • [e] “Coupled”. Lead pair among many friends. Such as “Nodame Cantabile”.
  • [f] “Loner”. Lead character among few friends. Would “Death Note” qualify?
  • [g] Another structure?

In my own experience, my life followed a married “Coupled” structure for 8 years. Since then, following my roommate Lisa and best-friend Vanessa, it’s glided into a “Harem” structure, lol. Hmm, I wonder why, hehe. But really, I wonder. Despite a huge loss of trust in one female, my general trust in women hasn’t wavered at all. If anything, it’s grown! But that doesn’t mean I’m not cautious, of course. So to celebrate my trust in women, here are a few of the (mostly non-otaku) women in my life. Those who’ve influenced or impacted upon my internet, artistic, or everyday life. In chronological order, lol.

[1] From Lisa, I’ve learned to live a little more on the rock-and-roll edge, lol.


[2] From Vanessa, I’ve learned to be more mindful of my actions and reactions.


[3] From Anouck, I’ve learned that wherever your path leads, whatever pain you suffer, there’s always a light at the end of the tunnel.


[4] From Lena, I’ve learned to enjoy the commonalities and comedies in translations, lol.


[5] From Anna, I’ve learned to embrace the immaturity in acting younger than I am, hehe.


[6] From Jennie, I’ve learned that I don’t need to learn something new every day, lol.


[7] From Miko, I’ve learned that we all, even I, have limits and boundaries. I shouldn’t ignore them.


[8] From Mimi, I’ve learned (or remembered) that there should be no reason to fear excellence or perfection. Whether it’s studying, writing, drawing, calculating, building, performing, or being an otaku. To take pride in it, hehe.


Over time, these names will undoubtedly change. But maybe I can add a few more too. Hint-hint, nudge-nudge, hehe. Along with a few more laughs, giggles, chuckles, and a swift but trust-worthy kick in the pants. Mine included! Oops, almost forgot the question~ So which anime gender-ratio structure would fit your life the best?

In Conclusion. That’s it?!? Yeah, well, that’s all for this week, lol. It’s Sunday night, gotta hit the treadmill soon. But I hope Maria, Nagi, Yohko, my shiny wallpapers, and the rest of my fog-filled female-oriented cast brightened your day. Try to forget about the laundry detergent, okay? Hmm, Maria Ozawa. I wonder if I should make her a weekly thing, lol. >_<

56 thoughts on “Blog 186 > Sevens, Heavens & Harems

  1. @O-Dan: Haha, to be honest, half of them have a husband or boyfriend. But since they rarely enter the picture, why ruin the metaphor? LOL… Oh yeah, I agree. So far, so good! Eventually, I’ll continue with “Char’s Return”. Then maybe the second half will push this series to 5 stars! ^_^

    P.S. Done! Banner added to the rotation. Thanx!

  2. @Panther: But a “Death Note” loner still earns a manga or anime story. Hmm, as captain of Team Blue, wouldn’t u at least qualify for C or D? P.S. Ouch, sorry about that. Don’t tell me your captcha refers to here, does it? >_<; @Miko: Whoops, just saw your comment... (1) Haha, yup! (2) Manga? Where? Maybe anime, lol. (3) Well, of the recent Miko pics I have, I think this one fits this post the best. Got a better one? (4) Aww, no problem. There's always a light at the end of the pain, hehe. ^_^

  3. Its cuz I sent the comment at the same time as u did^^
    well ok (2) its anime then lol
    no clue about it
    (3) recent Miko pics? I dont took any lately
    (4) well guess there is always light at the end….though for now I can say again, my life didn’t change much.
    Once I am happy, things turn out to go back to normal quicker as u might can guess.
    People step into whom’s life, but as quick as they stepped in, they move again too…..

    Miyabiko´s last blog post > Blog 36: winter in Germany

  4. Wehh, I wish DHY was more fluid in terms of plot, but yeah, because of its OVA nature, it jumped around a lot. A whole lot @_@

    At least I enjoyed the fanservice ;x hahaha.

    And to answer your structure question, I’d like to say that I lead a reverse harem life. I have way more guy friends than girl friends! It’s actually been like that since high school and the trend still continues :3

    Lene´s last blog post > Martian Successor Nadesico

  5. @Miko: Ah, I get it, lol… Aww, sorry to hear that. I’ll assume I know who and what it is…

    @Lene-chan: Hehe, yeah, like Matt Greenfield said, OVAs are typically experimental anyway. Rarely fully-formed concepts. But *you* and fan service!!! In many ways, u think like a guy, hahaha. Which could explain your “reverse harem” life-story structure! LOL. But actually, just as I have more girl-than-guy friends, many of my female friends have more guy-than-girl friends. Like yourself, lol. So it isn’t rare. I wonder. Maybe we don’t trust our own gender too much! >_< P.S. Haha, the trend continues? Yeah, for both of us!


    I do have a fair amount of girl friends, but I just don’t seem to connect with them as much as guy friends. And if I do have girl friends, they’re pretty much one of the guys, hahaha.

    It might have to do with some past drama I had with girls back in middle and high school. It sure wasn’t pretty ~_~;

    Lene´s last blog post > Martian Successor Nadesico

  7. @Miko: Oops, sorry, it seemed like u wanted to bring it up here. I didn’t mean to. But we can continue via email instead… ^^;

    @Lene-chan: Hehe, especially gal-shaped fan service, lol. Hmm, I wonder if “connection” or “chemistry” is really considered in the gender-ratio structure? But if u think so, then it is probably is. Actually, yeah, that makes sense for me then too. LOL @ “one of guys”. That’s funny cuz it seems like I can assess a girl’s way of thinking pretty well. But not necessarily as “one of the girls”, lol…

    Mmm, drama. Do tell! If u can, that is. But in that light, a “harem” structure might explain my making up for what I missed out in high school, college and marriage, hahaha. I’d love to hear about your biatch-infested jealousies and rivalries… >_<

  8. @Panther: Ahh, true, lol. So then, why were u even worrying about bad luck? Just like a fortune in a fortune cookie. Nothing to worry about. ^_^

  9. The gist of the drama mostly revolved around a whole he-said she-said ordeal to the point where it broke everyone away from one another. I didn’t care for it until I suddenly got brought into it and was accused for things I didn’t even say @_@; This happened mainly in two occasions. I barely even talk with those people anymore! I mean, I see them around from time to time, but it’s usually a quick hello or whatever.

    Leading a drama-free life is so much more relaxing, anyway :3 There are still little dramatic happenings here and there, but they’re never to that extent XD;

    Lene´s last blog post > Martian Successor Nadesico

  10. @Lene-chan: Wow. So u think those occasions were traumatic enough to trigger your “reverse harem” lifestyle? Yeah, I don’t blame u, lol. For me, the claustrophobic drama leading to divorce didn’t really trigger my “harem” structure, it was more (like I mentioned) of “making up for what I missed out” in my adolescent years. Years which could be traumatic in its own way, hehe.

    But yeah, I whole-heartedly agree. Better to be drama-free! I’ve had my share in recent years (and months), but nothing major. Besides, I’ve got my blog (and blogmates) to keep me (and my sanity) afloat, lol. Right? >o<;

  11. @xJaymanx: Congratz on the $7770! lol. I can’t check mine anymore, blogs don’t seem to be a accepted address anymore. Shame.
    The yellowing is annoying yes(colour balanced it as much as I could without the pink blanket going wrong lol), wouldn’t the flash wash out the figure? Unless I got one of those hood-things to put over the top to spread the light. There is a macro setting, but it’s barely effective, the closest I could get was as close as I got to Makoto(see pic on blog lol).

    And the views, I I though I did 10k not 20k lol. Wouldn’t have done 30k if I remembered I’d done 20 lol.

    Meimi132´s last blog post > SLR Figure Photography

  12. @M132: Haha, thanx-thanx! Actually, I use this link to get your blog value. Still works! Yours is $3600+, hehe.

    Ahh, I see. Yeah, gotta worry about those other damn colours too, lol. But washing out depends. Could increase your distance from the figure. Or like u said, use some sort of diffuser. Even a piece of tissue or printer paper over it. With Photoshop, I use the “Adjust > Auto Colors” selection to counteract the yellowing too.

    Hehe, too modest! What’s wrong with 10K, 20K, then 30K? Nothing wrong with that. Although celebrating your $4000+ might be too soon. Maybe wait till $5000+, lol. ^o^

  13. @xJaymanx: Ahhh I was forgetting the www at the beginning… I didn’t know it wouldn’t work without it lol. Thankies su.
    It’s not changed since you did it has it? I think it was bout $3600 last time, and the screenshot is ancient lol.

    lol and as for the celebration posts, its 80k next lol, maybe 50k. Dunno bout the value lol.

    Meimi132´s last blog post > SLR Figure Photography

  14. @M132: Hehe, yeah that “www” is a pain, lol. No probees! Ah, let me re-check my Blog 183 “Flesh” post again… umm… it… was… $3577. So good or bad, it’s been pretty consistent. As for hits, 80K sounds good. Even 77,777 hits. Yeah, sevens are good, lol. P.S. Haven’t started “Digimon” yet tho… ^_^;

  15. @xJaymanx: lol 77,777. I’d do 88,888, love eights. And yesss there has been an increase! Any is good lol.
    Oh you should see the movie/s at least lol.

    Wow… there is some random Japanese movie on…. Zati. Beat Takeshi’s in it. Playing a blind samurai. And this Geisha jus started pulling swords out musical instruments….quite strange… lol Late night Film 4 lol.

    Meimi132´s last blog post > SLR Figure Photography

  16. @M132: Ahhh, you’re an “888” type of girl, lol. (Hehe, I don’t even know what that means.) But hey, an increase is always welcome! In fact, I was thinking about this… among all the total hits and page views, “estimated site worth” is a number that can actually go down! Ehh, unless u consider hits *per* day, *per* week, or *per* month. But nobody does that, lol.

    Hmm, I don’t think I’ve seen any of Beat Takeshi’s films. But if he’s playing a blind samurai, then it must be the latest “Zatoichi” film (2003). Sounds better than “Digimon” already, lol. But guess what? If u think the James Bond character’s got tons of films, then think again~ the blind swordsman Zatoichi’s got 26 films since 1962! And I’ve seen at least one of those… Oops, did I just tumble into a strange detour? >_<

  17. @xJaymanx: lol 8 be my favest number. Little bro was born on the 8th of July. I was pretty young lol, 7-8, but the number has stuck with me. It’s a nice number as numbers go lol.
    And yes lol. Worth is the only counter that can go backwards lol. I usually keep an eye of the ‘per day’ counter, just to make sure things arn’t dying completely lol.

    And seriously? Not one Beat Takeshi? Ever? You have to have seen Battle Royale!! Haven’t you?? He’s in that….not technically his movie is it? I dunno… If you haven’t seen that yet, you NEED to see it. NOW, go buy it or download it or whatever, just watch it! I’ve had it on dvd for 6 years+ (wow….long time… I was 13 when I got it lol…its an 18 in the UK lol, saw it on late night ch4 and loved it.) I am in dire need of a new copy actually, the center of disc 1 has cracked… still plays fine, but its cracked, which is the beginning of the end in DVD life terms…. Its cos I lent it to people… and they didnt take proper care of it…. otherwise it would be in perfect condition, like all my dvds…. I wouldn’t buy a DVD unless I really loved it… or it was uber-cheap in a sale lol, and even then, it deserves to be looked after, like any posession, ne? Oooooo I seem to have gone on a tagent also lol. DVD rant lol.

    Meimi132´s last blog post > Kemono no Souja Erin – Suprise pick up

  18. @M132: Hahaha, well then explain this to me~ Why 132? Why not Meimi888? LOL. Of course, u know why I like 7, don’t u? Because with just a slight rotation, it’s the closest number to resemble the letter J, lol. Then after that, Star Trek’s “Seven of Nine” and the “Nana” anime just reconfirmed it!

    Ehh, no need to worry about dying completely. If anything, I’ve been feeding links to your blog. You know, “lifelines”, lol. So no worries. But funny u should mention “Battle Royale”. That’s been on my Netflix DVD rental queue for ages, if not years! But not seen yet! Okay-okay, I’ll bump it up above my Jackie Chan and lorry-loads of anime, lol. Hahaha, you’re too funny rambling and ranting on and on like a Dalek with its eye chopped off… but it definitely brings a smile and a chuckle, lol. When u buy a new copy, maybe there’s a Special Collector’s Edition out? Ahh, just checked Amazon~ Yes, there is! Perfect! There’s an Uncut Special Edition! For hardly 10 quid. Now what did I just say? ^o^

  19. @xJaymanx: lol, didn’t 7 of 9 become human eventually? Or am I thinking of other androids….lol And as for 132, purely accidental cos of Neopets lol.

    Hehehehe I am very greatful for the ‘lifelines’ lol.
    And you do need to watch Battle Royale lol, wouldn’t worry so much about the second one, but the first one is awesome. Shuya Nanahara is played by the same actor who played Raito Yagami in Deathnote. Cos he is one of the only Japanese actors I remember alot he was my first choice for Raito when I heard they were making a DN movie lol.

    And as for that special edition dvd lol, was the one I got, only paid £10 for it back then too.

  20. Late reply is late ; ; ffff school!

    The thing is, I still have a handful of girl friends, too, so I totally don’t mind hanging out with them and all that; hoever, I can’t connect with a lot of them because I’m, erhm, not that feminine to begin with :(

    It’s kinda crazy, though. Online, I have more girl friends than guy friends, but IRL, it’s the other way around.

    Lene´s last blog post > Martian Successor Nadesico

  21. @M-chan: Right. That’s right, Seven was once a Borg but was restored to a human with Borg implants… slowly behaving more and more like an everyday human, lol. But that doesn’t make her techno-beauty any less striking, hehe. Plus, isn’t “Seven” a kewl name? Probably better than Galactica’s cyber-stunning blonde “Six”. Curious how both “Seven” and “Six” are unavoidably-blonde cyborgs, lol.

    Right-right, I know, I know, lol. Already bumped “Royale” from #10 to #1 in my rental queue (might’ve been #50 at one time, haha). So depending on how fast I watch and return my current Jackie Chan DVD, they should ship “Royale” to me in about a week. Good enuff? Ahhh, I’ve seen those “Death Note” films, so I should easily recognize that *wimpy* (yup, wimpy) Shuya by face, if not by name, lol. Hehe, nice… Special Edition, FTW!

    @Lene-chan: Hey, no worries! Yeah, that’s what I’m saying. You seem to think like “one of the guys” (fan service, etc, lol). Which ain’t necessarily a bad thing, depending on who u hang out with. Personally, I probably prefer a girl who’s more “tomboyish” than too “girlish”. A girl who can punch back without worrying about breaking her nails. Unless they’re newly painted, of course, haha… But your online structure makes sense too. Since u don’t have to deal with the girls, their issues, or their drama *face-to-face*. LOL, am I right?

    P.S. Just copied my “Nadesico” OGG files from my burned disc to my iMac this morning. So I should be able to re-start that pretty soon… Damn, with both M-chan’s “Battle Royale” and “Digimon” on the to-do list, plus your “Nadesico”, my own picks are gonna hafta wait. Bahhh!

  22. Hmm…The see something nasty when visiting a blog ratio is pretty high on yours ^^
    Have you always been allergic against washing detergents or did it happen suddenly?I know how that stuff itches.I really hope you somehow got through it without scratching your whole leg.

    That Driving Test Story is pure comedy gold.Hope she wont has to wait that long next time

    Blowfish´s last blog post > Nosebleed get!

  23. @Blowfish: LOL, if I deciphered it correctly, I think u meant to say: “To see something nasty when visiting a blog! Girl-to-guy ratio is pretty high on yours!” Is that correct? Hehe. Yeah, almost suddenly, and pretty nasty for a few days. But totally disappeared by the 7th day. No marks or anything, lol. Plus, this was the first time my skin has been allergic to *anything* in my life. So stay away from “Surf” detergent! Took half a dozen loads to wash out all my affected clothes, lol.

    Haha, thanx. It isn’t comedy while it’s still happening! But looking back… it’s still a big comedic mess, lol. Even now, NaTasha is still looking for someone else with a spare car! >o<

  24. @xJaymanx: Yus! Special editions ftw! Haruhi special edition dvds were brill. I has them all. First time I ever bought anime DVD’s full price lol. AND lol at Six. Was that on purpose? The number-name thing? lol Homage to Star Trek?
    Wimpy??? Bah to your Wimpy. And very good, good that you’ve got it on priority now lol.
    :WOOOOOO: I’m totally looking forward to Watchmen now. I wasn’t really bothered before. But now I know that Denny from Greys Anatomy is in it as the Comedian(Jeffrey Dean Morgan to those non-Greys Anatomy fans lol) Ooooooo can’t wait now!!

    Meimi132´s last blog post > Kemono no Souja Erin – Suprise pick up

  25. @TT-kun: Hey, thanx dude! Yeah, I was exactly the same. Didn’t really get the “Gundam” thing. But after going back to the original series 30 years ago, I can better see the appeal of angst before *angst* became popular, as well as the attraction of giant mecha before *mecha* became commonplace, lol. Now after 24 episodes, I’m ready for the last 19 soon. Still hesitating on the latest “Gundam Seed”, “Gundam 00” and their sequels, haha. ^_^;

    @M-chan: Hehe, not sure about the connection. Wait! Possibly! Of course, the new “Galactica” creator Ronald D. Moore had been a writer for “Star Trek: The Next Generation” for years! Until one day, he realized that the far future can’t be so unrealistically happy as this trekkie puke, lol.

    Ahh, “Watchmen”. Could be a load of crap. Or could be as brill as “Ironman”. You gotta check out my Oct 2007 Blog 115. Unfortunately (or fortunately), never seen a full episode of “Greys”, hehe. >o<

  26. haha luckily I haven’t had any online drama, so it’s all good :) I do enjoy peering over fandom drama. People get so uppity about the weirdest things in fandom @_@

    You have quite a schedule of things to watch. Good luck with that! And I hope you get to enjoy Nadesico :D

    Lene´s last blog post > Martian Successor Nadesico

  27. @Lene-chan: Hmm, no online drama… not *yet*. LOL, but even I can’t escape its oily grasp. Oh-no, not fandom drama! Please don’t mention “Twilight” or any yaoi-tinged sexplorations, lol…

    But thanx! Hey, no problem, I can watch half-a-dozen series simultaneously, if need be. But I can’t guarantee liking *all* of them. Namely “Nadesico”. Just kidding. I’m ready to be amused. But… I don’t recall if your review mentioned any fan service, hehe. >_<

  28. Congrats on the websiteoutlook increase!

    I was in the “equal” category for three years until romantic relationships came into the mix and other junk happened, and then it became *dramadramadrama disperse*.

    I’m basically in a few little groups now. I guess that fits “Loner” best. :P

  29. @Coco-chan: Hehe, thanx!

    Uh-oh, since u opened the door, u can’t turn back now. Just like Lene-chan did above, gotta spill the details on the “dramadramadrama disperse”! LOL… Hmmm, not necessarily “Loner” depending on the mix of your “little groups”. Maybe it’s like choice “C”? Since “Lucky Star” could be considered a small four-girl group, couldn’t it? >_<

  30. I’d say the cause of it all comes down to people unwilling to try and understand one another. >.< One thing led to another and pretty soon everything went to crap. People tend to not talk things out first, but instead they snap one day and *~drama~* ensues. It never directly involved me so I was always stuck in the crossfire. orz

    Coincidentally, my lunch group is a group of four girls, and we sit in a classroom. (We don’t talk about which end to eat a chocolate cornet though ^^; Thought maybe we should be since the other day the topic was morbid pet stories. ._. Did you know a turtle’s intestines can come out of its butt? I certainly didn’t. ) I should also include the (male) teacher as well since we talk with him most of the time. I really enjoy their company and I like being in there. It’s much less hectic than sitting in the lunch area or going off-campus and rushing back.

  31. @Coco-chan: Ah, yeah, sounds familiar. Oftentimes, people (good or bad) can be too proud and not admit they’re wrong. Myself included, lol. But at least, they *honestly* exposed the drama in the open. Instead of *bottling* it up, and shooting silent stares of evil at one another. Like “Vampire Knight Guilty”, lol. >_< Hehe, four-girl group! You wouldn't be Konata, would u? Who's Kagamin? Skinny end first?... Whoa. Ouch. Turtles? But then again~ yeah, makes sense. Since obviously, any animal's (or human's) intestines terminate with its butt orifice, lol. Where else? P.S. Well, I caved, finally added some art to my DeviantArt account, lol. But as far as I can tell, there's no email notification for receiving messages or being favorited, is there?

  32. If we’re talking in terms of otaku-ness then I’m definitely the Konata. *is the only one in the group who’s into anime* But if we take other aspects in consideration I think I’m more like Tsukasa. The teacher is the closest to a Tsundere though xD

    But the intestines just…fell out after she picked the turtle up. D: I wonder what happened.

    There’s no email notification as far as I know, but it shows up in your deviantart inbox.

  33. @Coco-chan: Wait, the tsundere in the group is the *male* teacher? Nahhh, right… What? Just popped out? Eww, that sounds pretty gross! But maybe it was already dissected? So the bits were stuffed back in? Then fell out? LOL… True dat, but it’s annoying having to login each time just to check *if* I have any messages. Email notifications would be so convenient. >_<

  34. Congrats on hitting your landmark, Jayman! But I wonder how you value your site? Interesting concept, if I might add… ^^

    On regards to the category amongst friends, I would classify myself as a [d] = Equal. I admit that before this, I was an [f], but as I moved to college I began meeting new people and these new people have gave me a lot of insight on how I’m suppose to go with my life. The girls were the ones that made me go through with understanding the opposite sex more.

    Enjoying my life more than I used to have. Maybe I should write my own insight thought in my blog later… just maybe.

    jusuchin85´s last blog post > 10 Best Anime Wallpapers – Week 3, 2009

  35. @J85: Hey dude, thanx! But wasn’t really a landmark, just the updated value, lol.

    So do u mean how *I* value my site regardless of estimated dollar value? Hmm, not really by any page hits, views or loads. And not exactly how many comments either. But perhaps the quality and depth of the comments I get. If that makes sense. Unfortunately, there’s no way to judge that quantitatively. So I just go to and get the updated dollar value. Which is quite amusing too, lol.

    Yeah, I think almost everyone has passed thru [D] at one point or another. Probably a characteristic of soul searching. But since my divorce, I find that in general, most women are not only prettier than guys (lol), but much more interesting to talk to. More topics, most depth, more drama, lol. Especially in the non-otaku world. >_<

  36. That’s where I agree. It gets back to the point where soul-searching is some time spent on reflecting whet you have done and what you are/can do to change the way you live today. I remember having been a liability to both my friends and others, and that took a toll on me. Ever since 2 years’ back, I decided to change for the better and better understand things that goes around me.

    The world I live in now is a balance of both the otaku and non-otaku culture. This in turn has made me the best of both worlds! ^^

    jusuchin85´s last blog post > Best Anime Wallpaper – Week 2, 2009

  37. @J85: Not bad! That sounds pretty similar to my situation. Unfortunately, sometimes that “balance” is a nice way of saying “compromise” or “separation” between the two worlds, isn’t it? Security versus passion. Cash versus fun. Unlike Danny’s perfect fusion, lol. But sometimes, that’s how it should be. Wouldn’t want to carelessly collide the worlds into a worthless mess either!

  38. It’s true that to strike a so-called perfect balance between the otaku and non-otaku world is difficult (unlike the aforementioned person ^_^). Somehow I found it an interesting challenge to talk about anime and stuff to someone, and then suddenly switch to another different topic altogether to the same person.

    I have a habit of actually getting more involved in various activities/field of interest. I started it all with football, then dwell into otakuism. Now I’m learning to pick up technology and photography. These are the little things that actually made life a more varied. Well, that’s to me that is… ^o^

    jusuchin85´s last blog post > Best Anime Wallpaper – Week 2, 2009

  39. @Coco-chan: Yeah, sure. It’s like saying, “One day, I was washing a perfectly fine glass, but it just snapped apart and ripped my pinky…” Oops, okay, I trust u, lol.

    @J85: Ahh, I see. Luckily, there are cool people out there, who make it easy to switch topics. So it’s less of a challenge. That’s who I aim to find, and aim to be. These are probably the same kind of people who try out different fields, different genres, different worlds… Much tougher with a limited budget though. ^_^;

  40. @J85: Yeah, you’re right about that. Since it’s *theoretically* easier to adjust oneself than to adjust others. Unless one has a weak will, lol. Depends on the balance of personalities too… Ah, it might be cheaper to just read about photography or skiing or computer technology. But it’s probably more effective to actually buy the equipment! ^_^

  41. Yep, I’ll buy with you on that one, my friend. But don’t forget about figures as well!

    To adjust another is not easy. It can be done, as far as I know (my mom loved football after I converted her; my friend now enjoys manga and anime after I exposed him to them). So, it is not impossible, but just difficult. Like you said, if one was a weak will.

    Thankfully, I have some friends who can turn their attention quickly and adapt.

    jusuchin85´s last blog post > Best Anime Wallpaper – Week 2, 2009

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