post 316 ~ relaxing monday!

“dark angel: s2” (2001)
post 316 ~ ah, very relaxing monday after christmas! ;)))… after saturday and sunday nights with jen-shaka and the in-laws, nice to have a free day by myself while they spend a night on the vegas strip… nice before i return to work tomorrow…

  • christmas ~ received tons of DVDs!… “the last samurai” (full-screen, but oh well, it’s a gift, right?), “dark angel” season 2 boxset (unexpected!), and “ghost in the shell: sac 2nd GIG” disc 2! nice!!! :)… already watched the 2nd “dark angel” episode tonight :)))
  • ordering ~ used my $50 “robert’s anime” certificate from my brothers in new york to acquire the “mezzo” 3-DVD boxset and “shinkai” 2-DVD collection… plus used another $25 amazon certificate towards the “chrono crusade” 7-DVD thinpak collection!… oh yeah! tons of anime and no time to watch them of course, hehehe ;)))
  • free time ~ meanwhile, spent some decent time updating my website… and later tonight, also updated… two of the best sites i’ve either designed or co-designed ;D
  • damn! ~ already 11:30pm?!?!?… crap, gotta get ready for bed… and a new work week…