Website Design
Here are samples of my website designs at PurchasePro from 2000 through 2002.
- Supplier College 2002 - Designed and developed over several months in early 2002, the PurchasePro e-Procurement "Supplier College" was launched as an introductory learning supplement to the e-Procurement Application, Versions 5 and 6. With over 200 webpages and over 500 images (for each Version 5 and 6), the Supplier College includes topics ranging from e-commerce basics to advanced e-procurement application functionality. While the Marketing department provided the content for approximately 20 webpages, I was proud to be the sole designer and developer on this massive project.
- Help Center 2002 - Designed and developed over several months in early 2002, the PurchasePro e-Procurement Application "Help Center" was launched as part of the e-Procurement Application, Version 7. The Help Center includes topics on creating, viewing, and editing Sales Orders (SOs), Advanced Shipping Notices (ASNs), and Supplier Invoices. I was proud to be the sole designer and developer on this project.
- Netbusiness Help Center 2001 - Designed and developed in 2001, the Netbusiness Marketplace "Help Center" was launched with the Netbusiness Marketplace e-commerce application. At this time, Netbusiness was a joint endeavor between Netscape and PurchasePro. The Help Center included topics on Requisitions (REQs), Requests for Quotes (RFQs), and Purchase Orders (POs). I was proud to be the primary designer and developer on this project.
- Help Centers 2000 A1 | A2 | A3 | B1 | B2 | B3 | C1 | C2 | C3 - Designed and developed over several months in middle 2000, the PurchasePro e-Procurement Application "Help Center" was launched as part of the e-Procurement Application, Version 6. Since this application was developed in ASP code, dozens of marketplace "skins" could be generated from a single set of ASP files. Such marketplace "skins" included Netscape® and Gateway®. This Help Center includes over 200 topics on creating, viewing, and editing Requisitions (REQs), Requests for Quotes (RFQs), and Purchase Orders (POs), as well as creating online catalogs and products. This Help Center also features a client-side JavaScript "Help Search" which I incorporated into future Help Centers. I was proud to be the primary designer and developer on this massive project.
- Intranet 2000 - Designed quickly over a couple of weeks in middle 2000, this prototype for the PurchasePro Intranet was the first step towards building a central company website for all of our internal departmental resources. Unfortunately, due to a decision from high in the corporate structure, ownership of this intranet project was transferred from my department, Documentation & Knowledge Management, to the Corporate Website department. My prototype was promptly dropped.
Graphic Design
Here are samples of my graphic designs at PurchasePro from 2001 through 2002.
- Supplier College 2002 A1 | A2 | A3 | A4 - Designed and developed over several months in early 2002, the PurchasePro e-Procurement "Supplier College" was launched as an introductory learning supplement to the e-Procurement Application, Versions 5 and 6. Here are most of the graphics that I designed for the Supplier College. Taking a variety of business images, some huge and some small, from electronic photo libraries or random websites, I first opened them in Adobe® Photoshop. I resized them, desaturated their colors, and then captured 144-by-144-pixel squares. If necessary, I adjusted their brightness and/or contrast to make them more consistent with each other. Finally, I saved them as GIFs.
- 1-2-3 Guide Logo 2002 - Within one day in January 2001, at the request of the Training department, I designed and developed the first PurchasePro 1-2-3 Guide tri-fold. Over the next 18 months, I produced close to 100 different 1-2-3 Guides for over a dozen different marketplace "skins," including Best Western® and Netbusiness. In March 2002, I decided that it was time for the old 1-2-3 Guide title logo to have a makeover. Consequently, I designed this logo in Adobe® Photoshop, where I saved it as a GIF. Finally, this GIF logo would be inserted into the 1-2-3 Guide in Microsoft® Word.
- Cover Designs 2001 A1 | A2 - [A1] Within one day in August 2001, on my own initiative, I designed a new PurchasePro cover for all of my future user guides and manuals. Over the next 11 months, I produced over two dozen different user guides and manuals with this cover. I designed this image in Adobe® Photoshop, where I saved it as a GIF. Finally, this GIF image would be inserted into the user guide or manual in Microsoft® Word. [A2] Within one day in March 2001, at the request of a Technical Writing colleague, I designed a Netbusiness cover for her technical document: "Netbusiness Partner Integration." Capturing and manipulating a screenshot from the Netbusiness Marketplace login page for the main circle, I designed this image in Adobe® Photoshop, where I saved it as a GIF. Finally, this GIF image was inserted into the document in Microsoft® Word.
- Intranet Logos 2001 A1 | A2 | A3 | A4 | B1 - [A1-A4] Within one day in June 2001, to be consistent with the new blue corporate color scheme, I readjusted the colors of the four DKM (Documentation & Knowledge Management) department logos that I first designed in the original orange, brown, and olive of the old color scheme. I opened the original logos in Adobe® Photoshop, adjusted their hue by +170 degrees, adjusted their saturation by -50 percent, and then saved them as GIFs. Finally, these GIF logos replaced the original logos in the PurchasePro Intranet. [B1] Within one day in May 2001, I designed four DKM department logos in the original orange, brown, and olive of the old color scheme. I used Adobe® Photoshop, where I saved them as GIFs. Finally, these GIF logos were inserted in the PurchasePro Intranet.
- Campus Maps 2001 A1 | A2 | A3 | A4 | B1 - From March through June 2001, on my own initiative, I designed and developed the PurchasePro "Campus Maps" as an aid for new employees who were unfamiliar with all of the PurchasePro buildings, and also as an aid for existing employees who were unfamiliar with all of the PurchasePro conference rooms (CRs) and training rooms (TRs). After obtaining photocopies of all of the building plans, I scanned them, opened the scan images in Adobe® Photoshop, and proceeded to trace the major room lines in separate layers. When all of the lines were drawn and colors were filled, I flattened the layers, and saved the files as GIFs. Finally, these GIF maps were inserted in the PurchasePro Intranet.
Page Layout
Here are samples of my page-layout designs at PurchasePro from 2001 through 2002.
- April 30, 2002. Release Notes for e-Procurement Application. - Designed and developed over several days in March and April 2002, the PurchasePro e-Procurement and e-Source Release Notes were released as introductions to the upcoming enhancements in the e-Procurement and e-Source Applications, respectively. I was proud to be the primary designer and developer on these smaller projects.
- March 22, 2002. PurchasePro, 1-2-3 Guide for Supplier, e-Procurement Application - Sales Orders (SOs). - Within one day in January 2001, at the request of the Training department, I designed and developed the first PurchasePro 1-2-3 Guide tri-fold. Over the next 18 months, I produced close to 100 different 1-2-3 Guides for over a dozen different marketplace "skins," including Best Western® and Netbusiness. Becoming a standard marketplace offering, the PurchasePro 1-2-3 Guide was designed and developed in Microsoft® Word. The logos and circle images were designed and/or manipulated in Adobe® Photoshop, saved as GIFs, and inserted into the Microsoft® Word document. I was proud to be the sole designer and developer of these documents.
- January 15, 2002. PurchasePro Version 6.0, NCO, e-Procurement Application - New Item Notification Wizard. - As an alternative to the PurchasePro 1-2-3 Guide tri-fold (horizontal legal-sized), I designed the standard PurchasePro User Guide format (vertical letter-sized). I produced many User Guides for a variety of marketplace "skins," including Hilton®. Typically without a front cover design and between 1 and 10 pages in length, the PurchasePro User Guide was designed and developed in Microsoft® Word. The logos and circle images were designed and/or manipulated in Adobe® Photoshop, saved as GIFs, and inserted into the Microsoft® Word document. I was proud to be the primary designer and developer of these documents.
- July 10, 2002. PurchasePro e-Source Version 7.5, User Manual, e-Source Application - Buyer Functionality. - File Size = 1.5 MB. This was my last project before my downsizing layoff on July 12, 2002. Expanding upon the standard PurchasePro User Guide format (vertical letter-sized), I designed the PurchasePro User Manual format. I produced at least half a dozen User Manuals, each discussing a topic such as the e-Source Application or Stratton Warren® Interface, for a variety of marketplace "skins." Typically with a front cover design and between 10 and 100+ pages in length, the PurchasePro User Manual was designed and developed in Microsoft® Word. The cover designs, logos, and circle images were designed and/or manipulated in Adobe® Photoshop, saved as GIFs, and inserted into the Microsoft® Word document. I was proud to be the primary designer and developer of these documents.
- December 19, 2001. PurchasePro Holiday Cookbook. - Based upon the standard PurchasePro User Manual format (vertical letter-sized), but tinted green and highlighted with red, the PurchasePro Cookbook 2001 was designed and developed in Microsoft® Word. The cover design, logos, and clipart images were manipulated in Adobe® Photoshop, saved as GIFs, and inserted into the Microsoft® Word document. Having fun with this project, I was proud to be the primary designer and developer of this document.
Here are samples of my technical documentation at PurchasePro from 2001 through 2002.
- May 16, 2002. Mission Statement & Summary for DKM. - Following the June 2001 downsizing layoffs that cut 3 of the 5 employees in my department (DKM - Documentation & Knowledge Management), I created the "Mission Statement & Summary" document as a technical description (and reminder to upper management) of our department roles and responsibilities. After the October 2001 layoffs, I continued to maintain this document as the last survivor of my department. That is, until the July 2002 layoffs.
- June 28, 2002. PurchasePro Security Policy 2002 for Employees. - Here is a sample of my technical documentation, which included policies and procedures for Technology, spanning from September 2001 through June 2002. These technical documents were developed in Microsoft® Word.
- February 6, 2002. DKM Online Help Request (OHR) Form. - Here is a sample of my technical forms, for my department (DKM - Documentation & Knowledge Management) spanning from December 2001 through February 2002. These technical documents were developed in Microsoft® Word.
- May 7, 2002. DKM Status Report. - Here is a sample of my technical reports, for my department (DKM - Documentation & Knowledge Management) spanning from February through May 2002. These technical documents were developed in Microsoft® Word.
- January 14, 2002. PurchasePro Corporate Website Development Guide. - Here is a sample of my technical guides and manuals for Technology, spanning from January through July 2002. Typically with a front cover design and as many as 60 pages in length, these technical documents were developed in Microsoft® Word.
Quality Assurance
Here were my quality-assurance responsibilities at PurchasePro from 1998 through 1999.
- Period - 11/2/98 to 12/1/99.
- Status - Permanent Employee.
- Employer - PurchasePro.com, Inc., Las Vegas, Nevada.
- Department - Software Quality Assurance (SQA).
- Position - Technical Writer & Quality Assurance Analyst.
- Composed/edited and maintained hardcopy/electronic documentation of PurchasePro.com applications, including the Getting Started Guide for Bidding and Sourcing (Client Application and Buyer Web Browser versions for Disney use), Getting Started Guide (Client Application, Supplier Web Application, and Buyer Web Application versions for general use), and Buyer/Supplier/Manufacturer scripts for in-house application testing.
- Performed the above in MS Windows 98 with Internet Explorer 4.01, using Adobe PageMaker 6.5, Photoshop 5.0, and Acrobat 3.01; MS Office 97 and America Online 4.0.
- Collected data by testing the PurchasePro.com Client Application 4.0.0 and 4.1.0, Supplier and Buyer Web Applications, and PurchasePro.com website; reported bugs to the programmers and department manager; coordinating projects and exploring concepts with the senior writer.