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  The Hardline


Role-Playing Game (RPG) / Story
Created 11-16-2003 by the HL Corps
Based on concepts by Larry & Andy Wachowski

Note by Andromeda - Sometime before the events of "The Matrix" (Part I), the hovercraft "Angst" is conducting a mission in the Matrix, as follows:

• Captain Morgain is sending Brin and Spiral inside to find someone named "Sole," who is suspected of working with the Machines.

• Other than that name, and the name of a pub, they have nothing.

• They are instructed to find out who this Sole is, who he/she is working with, and how big the security breach is.

* 1 *

    SPIRAL opens his eyes to the familiar darkness of the apartment. Behind him, Brin dails his phone.

    "We're in."
    BRIN listens to his cell for a minute, and then says, "Will do."
    BRIN: "OK. Pub's name is Molly Blooms. Morgain wants us back in two hours max. Let's move."

    SPIRAL follows BRIN out of the apartment, down the dim halls, towards the old wooden stairs. SPIRAL looks over BRIN's shoulder and behind himself for any suspicious shadows... but there's nothing out of the ordinary. They head down the creaky stairwell. Suddenly, BRIN stops...
    SPIRAL whispers to BRIN: "What's wrong?"

    BRIN: "I'm not sure."
    He frowns and continues to go down the stairs, sneaking looks behind his back every minute or two.
    When they are both out of the apartment, he stops again.
    "We are going into the pub separately. I'm going to sit down and order a beer. You are going to question the bartender about Sole. If there's trouble, I'll see it. Don't waste time signaling me. Clear?"
    BRIN looks at SPIRAL with his 'Don't get killed and mess up my coat' look, and waits for a reply.

    SPIRAL returns BRIN's look with a "Who? Me?" smile...
    The pub is several dark-and-dank blocks away... Quietly but purposefully they walk, making their way along the sidewalks... Several cars pass by in either direction... Ahead, SPIRAL sees the poorly-lit "Molly Blooms" neon sign, so that the "LY" in Molly and the "B" in Blooms flicker; so the sign shifts from "Molly Blooms" to "Mol looms" and back again...
    Once they are across the street, SPIRAL pauses as BRIN heads inside the pub...
    SPIRAL waits a few minutes; he glances around smoothly, scratching his goatee, shadows behind every corner, but nothing unusual about the area...
    SPIRAL (to himself): "That should be enough time..."
    SPIRAL starts across the street... but suddenly a pair of bright headlights and the sound of screeching tires come towards him...

    The car nearly runs SPIRAL over, when it skids to a halt.
    The back door opens, and a women sitting inside. She has light skin, black hair, and seems to be wearing something red. She' s looking at SPIRAL.
    WOMAN: "If you want to find Sole, get in the car, now."

    Not knowing the status of BRIN, SPIRAL hesitates with his hand secretly on his weapon, and eyes the woman up and down.
    "And who are you? How do you know that name?"

    The WOMAN is still looking at SPIRAL, but she seems afraid of something.
    "There's no time. You must make a choice."
    She sneaks a quick look behind SPIRAL, down the street.
    "They are coming."

    One part of SPIRAL wants to trust her, but another part can't abandon BRIN... and he can't see the driver's face in the darkness.
    Finally, SPIRAL shouts: "No way, Miss!"
    With a bullet-time leap over the hood of the car, SPIRAL dashes to the pub, and flings open the door, right hand on his hidden gun.
    SPIRAL searches the dimness for BRIN or any odd activity... until...

    BRIN is sitting in a corner table, supposedly reading a book and drinking coffee. BRIN sees SPIRAL and gestures to him to get on with his part of the mission.
    Apparently, BRIN doesn't understand what took SPIRAL so long.

    SPIRAL ignores the plan; they already have a lead -- that WOMAN in red... So with a serious stare and head turn, SPIRAL gestures quietly but urgently for BRIN to come outside with him... and SPIRAL quickly exits and returns to the outside...

    Glancing right and left, SPIRAL finally spots the WOMAN's car way down the street, and runs after it... As SPIRAL dashes, he whips out and dials his cellphone... "Come on, Nift, pick up, pick up!"

    NIFT replies: "Command me, master..."

    The car speeds up and disappears behind a corner.

    BRIN sees SPIRAL running down the street, and asks: "What was that all about?"

    Another car speeds up and goes in the direction of the WOMAN's car.

    SPIRAL continues to run after the disappearing cars.
    SPIRAL: "Nift! Can you track the car that just turned left down the street from Molly Blooms? And there's a second car following that one!"
    Waiting for both NIFT's reply and BRIN to meet him, SPIRAL spots a brand new Mercedes across the street. His eyes twinkle with an idea.

    NIFT's voice sounds excited in your ears.
    "I got 'em! They're headed for Interstate-444. Hurry, if you want to catch them!"

    SPIRAL: "Gotcha! Thanks, Nift!"
    SPIRAL dashes to the sparkling silver Mercedes and with his gloved fist, smashes through the driver's-side window with ease. The car alarm blares -- BE-EEP! BE-EEP! BE-EEP!
    He quickly opens the door, gets in, rips out the simple alarm system, and satisfied with the silence, shuts the door. He rips out another set of wires to hot-wire and start the car.
    VRUMMM! the car starts. And in moments, SPIRAL shifts the Mercedes in reverse.
    SQUEE-EEL! the tires shriek backwards. And he sees BRIN coming up behind him.
    SQUEAK! he slams the car brakes.
    "Care to join me?" SPIRAL smiles.

    BRIN quickly gets into the car, and takes out his gun.
    With a lovely metallic sound, he cocks his gun and opens the window.
    BRIN looks at SPIRAL. BRIN doesn't seem all too pleased.
    "Who are we chasing, and why?"

    With another shift and squeal of rubber on pavement -- SQUEE-EEL! -- SPIRAL takes the Mercedes down the street, its headlights bright and its tires skidding around the dim left-turn corner.
    SPIRAL: "You know why I took so long getting into the bar? Well, a freakin' car almost ran me over... and when the door opened, someone inside offered to help me find Sole, some woman in red... I thought it could be a trick, but now... I'm not so sure..."
    SPIRAL squints into the lamplit street ahead... Two lanes in each direction... Just a sprinkle of cars, a sprinkle of rain upon the windshield... And there in the distance--
    "Ah, there she is," he says, spotting the WOMAN's old-fashioned Cadillac.
    "...and the one following her," he adds, spotting the black window-tinted sedan.

    The cars disappear again around another corner.

    BRIN's cellphone rings and he picks it up.
    BRIN answers, "Okay." And he turns to SPIRAL.
    "Stop the car. Nift says they stopped at this parking yard around the corner."
    BRIN puts the phone to his ear again.
    "He says the people, the man following your girl, stepped out of the car... Guns at hand."

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