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  • TITLE: The Kael Chronicles

  • AUTHOR: Enn Bishop


  • SUMMARY: Morpheus is not infallible, Trinity not naive. These are lessons learned from one named Kael. This is the story of his recruitment, resourcefulness, and revolt.

  • SPOILERS: Major Revolutions spoilers. As in, portraying the ending of the series.

  • CATEGORY: WIP. [Original Character, Action.]

  • DISCLAIMER: I do not own, rent, or in anyway claim possession of these characters. Like pollen, they get blown about, caught in your system, and you may or may not have horrid reactions. The point is, they're out there for anyone, so I thought I might sit down, play with them for just a bit, and then be on my way. These are the simple musing of a simple guy who simply can't use simple words, be overly creative, or let a good idea sneak off into the night without at least trapping a part of it in ink.

    This is my first attempt at any quasi-serious FanFic, so please do be lenient. I tried to step on as few toes as possible, but I'm clumsy of foot, so if you've been thus slighted, please just nod and smile politely as you laugh at me behind my back. If you'd care to throw an imaginary quarter into my imaginary hat, feel free to do so, it'll be the only payment I receive from this little venture. Also, should you feel the need or generosity to chip a few kind, or even critical, words my way, they'll be cherished.

    Before you begin, you'll notice that this disclaimer is somewhat longwinded. Get used to it, this is one massive chunk-o-fic. In my defense, I wrote this as a screenplay because I didn't want to make it too long. Trust me, this is for the best. Perhaps someday I'll try to convert it back to a novella-esque style, but for now I wanted to get the plot out there, get some feedback, and basically just get it off my scrawny little chest. It definitely doesn't have enough comic relief, and what it does have seems forced (chapter names especially). To reiterate: Nothing is final, nothing absolute. A quick flash of deja-vu and anything can be altered. So here, I present to you in its eternally Beta-form version, the Kael Chronicles.